Amanda Convery

Title Associate Professor of Accounting
Office 253 Purnell Hall


Amanda M. Convery is an associate professor in the department of accounting & MIS and a Women’s Leadership Initiative Fellow. Dr. Convery’s research interests are in financial reporting for corporate and governmental sectors. Specifically, she examines the processes through which accounting standards are created, maintained and enforced. Dr. Convery’s research has been published in top-tier academic journals including Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. Dr. Convery teaches intermediate financial reporting to undergraduate and graduate students, which complements her research interests. She enjoys sharing her research and practical experiences with her students and with the accounting profession. She currently serves on the American Accounting Association FARS Financial Reporting Policy Committee.


  • Ph.D. in accounting, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin School of Business
  • M.B.A. in finance, Villanova University, Villanova School of Business
  • B.B.A. in accounting, Temple University, Fox School of Business & Management
  • Certified Public Accountant, Pennsylvania

Select Publications

  • Baudot, L., Convery, A. M., Kaufman, M. “Reflections of Women Standard Setters in the United States.” Accounting Horizons, 38 (1): 39–48.
  • Condie, E., Convery, A. M., and Zehms, K. J. (2023) “Fraud Firms’ Non-Implicated CFOs: An Investigation of Reputational Contagion and Subsequent Employment Outcomes.” Contemporary Accounting Research, 40 (1): 704–28.
  • Convery, A. M., Kaufman, M., and Warfield, T. D. (2022) “Stakeholder Engagement and Effective Standard-Setting.” Accounting Horizons, 36 (2): 47–69.
  • Convery, A. M., and Kaufman, M. (2022) “Regulation as a force for hybrid organizations: Evidence from the Bonneville Power Administration (1982 – 2012).” Accounting, Auditing, & Accountability Journal, 35 (3): 658–680.
  • Cianci, A. M., Convery, A. M., Evans, M., Hughen, L., and Werner, E. (2021) “The Impact of Costly Regulation on R&D Investment Levels and Productivity.” Advances in Accounting, 2021.
  • Convery, A. M., and Levine, C. B. (2021) “Do the Benefits of Small Firm SOX 404(b) Exemptions Outweigh the Costs?” Current Issues in Auditing, 15 (2): A1–A8.
  • Cianci, A. M., Convery, A. M., D’Arcy, J., and Tsakumis, G. (2021) “I Expected More from You. Navigating Client Trust Violations.” California Management Review Insights Frontier.
  • Serva, M., Convery, A. M., Bullough, A. (2021) “Motivational Tiered Assessment: A New Grading Approach for Motivating Business Schools.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 2021, 49,

Awards & Honors

  • MBA Roundtable Innovator Award, 2021
  • AAA Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2021
  • William Markell Faculty Excellence in Service Award, 2019
  • AAA Public Interest Section Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award, 2019
  • AAA Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2018
  • Douglas Clarke Memorial Teaching Award, 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Download Amanda Convery’s CV (PDF)


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