Anu Sivaraman
Title Assistant Professor of Marketing, Director of the Lerner Diversity Council
Office 207 Alfred Lerner Hall
Biography Biography
Anuradha (Anu) Sivaraman is an assistant professor of marketing and Director of the Lerner Diversity Council (#LDC) at the Alfred Lerner College of Business, University of Delaware. At the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, she teaches undergraduate and graduate marketing and introduction to business courses. Anu’s primary research interests include examining how counterfactual thinking (CFT) impacts consumption patterns and studying the impact of various factors on nonprofit marketing and fundraising. Her research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Consumer Affairs, and Advances in Consumer Research.
- Ph.D. in business administration; major: marketing, minors: economics and psychology, University of Houston, 2004
- M.S. in statistics, Madras Christian College, University of Madras, India, 1995
- B.S. in statistics, Madras Christian College, University of Madras, India, 1993
Select Publications
- Sivaraman, A., Ford, W., & Sundaram, S. (2023). When do I ponder? The role of elaboration in counterfactual thinking. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1-11.
- Van Steenburg, E., Anaza, N. A., Ashhar, A., Barrios, A., Deutsch, A. R., Gardner, M. P., Priya, P., Roy, A., Sivaraman, A., & Taylor, K. A. (2022). The new world of philanthropy: How changing financial behavior, public policies, and COVID-19 affect nonprofit fundraising and marketing. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(3), 1079– 1105.
- Ford, W, Andrews, D, Sivaraman, A., Krishnamurthy, P. (2020). Not all missed opportunities cast the same shadow: Voluntary inaction reduces the “sting” of missed sales promotions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 19: 57– 67.
- Aboulnasr, K. and Sivaraman, A. (2010), Food for thought: the effect of counterfactual thinking on the use of nutrition information. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 9: 191- 205.
- Krishnamurthy, P., and Sivaraman, A. (2002). Counterfactual thinking and advertising responses. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(4), 650–658.
Awards & Honors
- Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics Outstanding Service Award, 2022-2023
- Faculty Fellow, Women’s Leadership Initiative, 2022-2024
- Most Valuable Professor (MVP) recognition by UD Student-Athletes in Field Hockey and Soccer, 2021-2022
- Nominated for the University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award, 2013, 2016 and 2018
- Department of Business Administration Outstanding Faculty Award, 2015
- The Vanguard Group Inc. Educator Recognition Award, 2014
- Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics Outstanding Teacher Award, 2012-2013
- University of Delaware Faculty Senate Commendation for Service, 2011
- Recipient:
- CTAL Instructional Improvement Grant, 2019
- General education grant on behalf of the Department of Business Administration (marketing area) to support the Development and implementation of Department E-Portfolios for Student Learning, 2009
- General University Grant (GUR), 2008
- Winner, Exemplary Use of Technology in Teaching contest, University of Delaware, 2006