Barton Jay Willage

Title Associate Professor of Economics
Office 458 Purnell Hall


Barton Willage joined the Departments of Economics at the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware as an associate professor after having worked at CU Denver and LSU. He focuses on a broad range of applied microeconomic topics, including health economics, public economics and labor economics. Much of his work examines how public policy and unexpected shocks impact health behaviors, working decisions and well-being, as well as how these effects can spillover from parents to their children. Before becoming a professor, he earned a Ph.D. from Cornell University, master’s degrees from the University of Chicago and Indiana University and an undergraduate degree from Beloit College.


  • Ph.D. in economics, Cornell University, 2018
  • M.P.A. in policy analysis, Indiana University, 2013
  • M.A. Program in the Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2010
  • B.A. in political science and mathematics, magna cum laude, Beloit College, 2007

Select Publications

  • The Value of a High School GPA. Review of Economics and Statistics. Accepted. (with Fanny Landaud, Éric Maurin, and Alexander Willén)
  • Does Your Doctor Matter? Doctor Quality and Patient Outcomes. Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics. Accepted. (with Rita Ginja, Julie Riise, and Alexander Willén)
  • The Effect of Labor Market Shocks Across the Life Cycle. Journal of Labor Economics, 2024. (with Kjell Salvanes and Alexander Willén)
  • Mothers as Insurance: Family Spillovers in WIC. Journal of Health Economics, 202. (with Marianne Bitler, Janet Currie, Hilary Hoynes, Krista Ruffini, and Lisa Schulkind)
  • Can Female Doctors Cure the Gender STEMM Gap? Evidence from Exogenously-assigned General Practitioners. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022. (with Julie Riise and Alexander Willén)
  • Rebates as Incentives: The Effects of a Gym Membership Reimbursement Program. Journal of Health Economics, 2020. (with Tatiana Homonoff and Alexander Willén)


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