Bintong Chen
Photograph Title Chaplin Tyler Professor, Director - IFSA, Program Director – M.S. and Ph.D. FSAN
Office 358 Purnell Hall
Biography Education
- Ph.D. in decision science, University of Pennsylvania, 1990
- M.S. in systems engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1987
- B.S. Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, July 1985.
- B.S. in electrical engineering & naval architecture and ocean engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1985
Select Publications
- Wang, B. Chen, and J. Chen, “Credit card fraud detection strategies with consumer incentives”, forthcoming, The International Journal of Management Science (OMEGA), (2018).
- Chen and J. Chen, “Compete in price or service? – A study of personalized pricing and money back guarantee”, Journal of Retailing 93, (2017), 154-171.
- J. Yue, Y. Xia, H. Tran, and B. Chen, “Using frontier portfolio to improve make-to-order operations”, Production and Operations Management 18, (2009), 226-240.
- Y. Xia, B. Chen, and P. Kouvelis, “Market-based supply chain coordination by matching suppliers’ cost structures with buyers’ order profiles”, Management Science 54, (2008), 1861-1875.
- J. Yue, B. Chen, and M. Wang, “Expected value of distribution information for the newsvendor problem”, Operations Research 54, (2006), 1128-1136.
- B. Chen, X. Chen, and C. Kanzow, “A penalized Fischer-Burmeister NCP-function”, Mathematical Programming 88, (2000), 211-216.
- B. Chen and N. Xiu, “A global linear and local quadratic non-interior continuation method for nonlinear complementarity problems based on Chen-Mangasarian smoothing function”, SIAM Journal of Optimization 9, (1999), 605-623.
- B. Chen and C.S. Lin, “Robust min-max regret one-median location problem on tree”, Networks 31, (1998), 93-103.
- B. Chen and P.T. Harker, “Smooth approximations to nonlinear complementarity problems”, SIAM Journal of Optimization 7, (1997), 403-420.
- B. Chen and P.T. Harker, “A non-interior continuation method for linear complementarity problems”, SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications 14, (1993), 1168-1190.
- D. Kraay, P.T. Harker and B. Chen, “Optimal pacing of trains in freight railroads: model formulation and solution”, Operations Research 39, (1991), 82-99.
- K.W. Ross and B. Chen, “Optimal scheduling of interactive and noninteractive traffic in telecommunication systems”, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 33, (1988), 261-267.
Awards & Honors
- MBA Teaching Award, Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, 2013, 2018
- Outstanding Scholar Award, Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, 2018.
Curriculum Vitae
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