Burton Abrams
Title Professor Emeritus of Economics
Email abramsb@nospam67e7e22f68cbd.udel.edu
Biography Education
- Ph.D. in economics, Ohio State University, 1974
- M.A. in economics, Ohio State University, 1972
- B.S. in economics, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1968
Select Publications
- “Cash for Clunkers: The Uneasy Case for Subsidizing Energy Efficiency” (with G. R. Parsons), Milken Institute Review, forthcoming.
- “Is CARS a Clunker?” (with G. R. Parsons), The Economist’s Voice, 6(8), 2009.
- “Did Corliss Steam Engines Fuel Urban Growth in the Late Nineteenth Century? Less Sanguine Results” (with J. Li and J.G. Mulligan), The Journal of Economic History, 68(4), 2008.
- “A Rejoinder to ‘A commentary on “Does the Fed contribute to a political business cycle?”‘” Public Choice, 134, 2008.
- “Do Fixed Exchange Rates Fetter Monetary Policy? A Credit View,” (with Russell Settle) Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, Spring 2007.
- “How Richard Nixon Pressured Arthur Burns: Evidence From the Nixon Tapes,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 20, No. 4, Fall 2006.
- “Does the Fed Contribute to the Political Business Cycle?” Public Choice” (with Plamen Iossifov) Public Choice, pp 249-262, Fall 2006.
- Return to Animal Farm, Turkish language edition, 2006.
- “Campaign Finance Reform: A Public Choice Perspective,” (with Russell Settle) Public Choice, Sept. 2004
- “The importance of property rights for economic outcomes: Lessons from the transfer of productive assets from collective to private ownership in Bulgarian agriculture,” (with Plamen Yossifov ) Proceedings of Enterprise in Transition (Fifth international conference), 2003, pp. 49-51, 2003.
Awards & Honors
- Who’s Who in America, 2001 – present
- Lerner Scholar Award, 2009
- Fulbright Professor, University of Split, Split, Croatia, 2002
- Who’s Who in America, 2001
- Fulbright Professor, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, 1994
- Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, 1992
- Fulbright Professor, Nankai University, People’s Republic of China, 1985-86
- National Science Foundation Grant
- Visiting Staff Economist, Federal Trade Commission , 1984-85
- National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1978-79
Curriculum Vitae
Download Burton Abram’s CV (PDF)