Daniel Freeman

Photograph Image of Daniel Freeman
Title Associate Professor of Marketing, Director - Horn Program in Entrepreneurship
Email freemand@nospam67e7162f9c116.udel.edu
Office 226A Purnell


Dan Freeman (Ph.D., University of Arizona) is director of the Horn Program in Entrepreneurship and associate professor of marketing at the University of Delaware. Since his appointment as director in 2011, Dan has transformed the Horn Program into the Mid-Atlantic’s preeminent entrepreneurial education provider, helped to raise almost $4MM and co-founded Start It Up Delaware.

Dan is currently responsible for all of the University’s entrepreneurship-related academic programs (undergraduate, graduate and executive), which emphasize marketing and the important role of “raising customers” for any new venture. He also oversees signature components of the Horn Program including: Startup eXperience, Hen Hatch (startup funding competition), Venture Development Center (a student business hatchery and incubator), Diamond Challenge for High School Entrepreneurs, and Entrepreneurial Resource Exchange & Support Network.

Dan has taught a wide variety of marketing courses at the graduate (G) and undergraduate (U) level, including Information Technology Applications in Marketing (U/G), Marketing Strategy (U), Introduction to Marketing (U), Being Persuasive in Business Situations (G), and Market Research and Profile Analysis for New Ventures (G). He currently teaches courses related to entrepreneurship.

Dan’s research has been published in several top-tier journals, including: Addiction, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. His research centers on moral behaviors, substance abuse prevention, social marketing, consumer socialization and symbolic aspects of consumption behaviors.

Since joining the University’s faculty in 2000, Dan’s research and service have been recognized with several awards; he has also received several award nominations for his teaching. Dan possesses extensive consulting experience and more than a decade of nonprofit board experience, including roles as board president and chair of several different committees.


  • Ph.D. in marketing, University of Arizona, 2001

Select Publications

  • Freeman, Dan and Stewart Shapiro (in press). “An Assessment of Tweens’ Persuasion Knowledge in a Changing Marketplace,” Journal of Advertising Research.
  • Pechmann, Cornelia (Connie), Elizabeth S. Moore, Alan R. Andreasen, Paul M. Connell, Dan Freeman, et al. (2011). “Navigating the Central Tensions in Research on Consumers who are at Risk: Challenges and Opportunities,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 30(1), 23-30.
  • Freeman, Dan, Stewart Shapiro and Merrie Brucks (2009). “Memory Issues in Social Marketing Messages about Behavior Enactment versus Non-enactment,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19, 629-642.
  • *Aquino, Karl, Dan Freeman, Americus Reed II, Vivian Lim, and Will Phelps (2009). “Moral Identity and the Self-Regulation of (Im)Moral Behavior,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 123-141.  (* Karl Aquino and Dan Freeman are co-first authors of this article).
  • Freeman, Dan, Karl Aquino, and Brent McFerran (2009). “Overcoming Beneficiary Race as an Impediment to Charitable Donations: Social Dominance Orientation, the Experience of Moral Elevation, and Donation Behavior,” Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 72-84.
  • Freeman, Dan, Merrie Brucks, Melanie Wallendorf, and Wendy Boland (2009). “Children’s Understandings of Cigarette Advertisements,” Addictive Behaviors, 34, 36-42.
  • *Shao, Ruodan, Karl Aquino, and Dan Freeman (2008) “Beyond Moral Reasoning: A Review of Moral Identity Research and Its Implications for Business Ethics,” Business Ethics Quarterly, 18, 513-540. (* This manuscript was invited and refereed by the journal editor)
  • Aquino, Karl, Americus Reed II, Stefan Thau, and Dan Freeman (2007) “A Grotesque and Dark Beauty: How the Self-Importance of Moral Identity and Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement Influence Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Reactions to War,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 385-392.
  • Freeman, Dan, Merrie Brucks, and Melanie Wallendorf (2005). “Young Children’s Understandings of Cigarette Smoking,” Addiction, 100, 1537-1545.

Awards & Honors

  • Leon & Margaret Slocomb Professional Excellence Award, 2012
  • Outstanding Outreach/Service Award, Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, 2011
  • Best Article Published in 2008, Business Ethics Quarterly, 2009
  • YoUDee Leadership Award (Best RSO Advisor), 2009