Darwin J. Davis

Title Associate Professor of Operations Management, Area Head - Operations Management
Email dd@nospam67d273783eb66.udel.edu
Office 204 Alfred Lerner Hall



  • Ph.D. in operations management & decision sciences, Indiana University, 1996
  • M.B.A., University of Delaware, 1991
  • B.A. in mathematics, Utah State University, 1989

Select Publications

  • Saniga, Erwin M., Lucas, James M., Davis, Darwin J., and McWilliams, Thomas P. (2012). “Economic Control Chart Policies for Monitoring Variables when there are Two Components of Variance,” Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control, Vol. 10, pp. 85-95.
  • Saniga, Erwin M., Davis, Darwin J., and Lucas, James M. (2009), “Using Shewhart and CUSUM Control Charts for Diagnosis with Count Data in a Vendor Certification Study,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 217-227.
  • Davis, Darwin J., Kher, Hemant V., and Wagner, Bret J. (2009), “Influence of Workload Imbalances on the Need for Worker Flexibility.” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol 57, pp. 319-329.
  • Reprint: The following article appears as a reprint in the Handbook of Military Industrial Engineering, Adedeji B. Badiru and Marlin U. Thomas, editors, CRC Press: 2009.
  • Jaber, Mohamad Y., Kher, Hemant V., and Davis, Darwin J. (2003). “Countering Forgetting Through Training and Deployment,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 33-46.
  • Lucas, James M., Davis, Darwin J., and Saniga, Erwin M. (2006). “Detecting Improvement with Shewhart Attribute Control Charts When the Lower Control Limit is Zero,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 659-669.  IIE Transactions Award:  2008 Best Paper in Quality and Reliability Engineering
  • Saniga, Erwin M., McWilliams, Thomas P., Davis, Darwin J., and Lucas, James M. (2006).  “Economic Control Chart Policies for Monitoring Variables,” International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, pp. 116-138.
  • Saniga, Erwin M., McWilliams, Thomas P., Davis, Darwin J. and Lucas, James M. (2005). “Economic Advantages of CUSUM Control Charts for Variables,” Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control, Vol. 8.
  • Saniga, Erwin M., Davis, Darwin J., and Lucas, James M. (2004). “Statistical Design of Attribute Charts for Monitoring and Continuous Improvement when Count Levels are Low,”  Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control, Vol. 7.
  • Jaber, Mohamad Y., Kher, Hemant V., and Davis, Darwin J. (2003). “Countering Forgetting Through Training and Deployment,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 33-46.

Awards & Honors

  • Decision Sciences Institute

Curriculum Vitae

Download Darwin J. Davis’s CV (PDF)