David Jenkins
Title Associate Professor of Accounting
Email jenkinsd@nospam67c7d21909fbb.udel.edu
Office 256 Purnell Hall
Biography Education
- Ph.D. in accounting, University of Maryland at College Park
- M.S. in accounting, University of Delaware
- B.S. in accounting, University of Delaware
Select Publications
- “The Impact of Arbitrage Costs on Intemporal Changes in the Earnings Response Coefficient” (with Uma Velury), 2008, Forthcoming in Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Accounting and Finance.
- “The Effect of Institutional Ownership on the Informativeness of Discretionary Accruals” (with Uma Velury), 2008, Corporate Ownership and Control 6(1), 286-291.
- “Does Auditor Tenure Influence the Reporting of Conservative Earnings?” (with Uma Velury), 2008, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 27(2), 115-132.
- “The Effect of Institutional Ownership on the Reporting of Conservative Earnings”, (with Uma Velury), 2007, Corporate Ownership and Control 4(4), 338-344.
- “Earnings Conservatism and Audit Quality: An Examination of the Late 1990s”, (with Gregory Kane and Uma Velury), 2007, Journal of Forensic Accounting, Vol. VIII, 287-302.
- “Institutional Ownership and the Quality of Earnings”, (with Uma Velury), 2006, Journal of Business Research59(9), 1043-1051.
- “A Contextual Analysis of Income and Asset-based Approaches to Private Equity Valuation”, (with Gregory Kane), 2006, Accounting Horizons 20(1), 19-35.
- “Earnings Quality Decline and the Effect of Industry Specialist Auditors: An Analysis of the Late 1990s”, (with Gregory Kane and Uma Velury), 2006, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 25(1), 71-90.
- “The Benefits of Hybrid Valuation Models”, 2006, CPA Journal (January), 48-50.
- “The Effect of Arbitrage Costs on the Value Relevance of Earnings”, (with Uma Velury) 2005, Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research 1(1), 38-50.
Awards & Honors
- Lester W. Chadwick Excellence in Teaching Award, May 2007
- PwC University for Faculty, July 2004
- Deloitte and Touché Trueblood Seminar for Professors, March 2003
- AAA New Faculty Consortium, February 2003
- AAA/Deloitte & Touche Doctoral Consortium Fellow, June 1999
- Federation of Schools of Accountancy Student Achievement Award, May 1998