Duygu Phillips
Title Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Email duygu@nospam67ea97bea3230.udel.edu
Office 217 Purnell
Biography Biography
Duygu Phillips is an assistant professor of entrepreneurship at the Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics. She earned her Ph.D. in entrepreneurship from Oklahoma State University and an MSc in Marketing from the University of Birmingham, UK. Prior to joining UD, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Oklahoma State University.
Dr. Phillips’s research focuses on new venture strategy and cultural entrepreneurship integrating institutional theory, specifically legitimacy and organizational identity theory. She studies how new venture identity is created and communicated in various contexts to achieve legitimacy in the eyes of the stakeholders. She also conducts research on family businesses, innovation, women and minority entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance. Her research has appeared in the Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings and Academy of Management Proceedings. She also has published several book chapters focused on entrepreneurial finance and family business.
She has presented her research at various major conferences including the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference and United States Association for Small Business Conference. She won the Best Conceptual Paper award from the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management in 2020. She serves as an editorial review board member for Group and Organization Management and as an ad-hoc reviewer for other leading peer-reviewed journals in management and entrepreneurship.
Dr. Phillips teaches creativity and design thinking. She has fifteen years of experience in marketing consulting and founded a branding and naming company. She is passionate about researching and teaching new venture strategy, creativity and identity development.
- Ph.D. in business administration with a major in entrepreneurship, Oklahoma State University
- M.Sc. in marketing, University of Birmingham
- B.A. in communications with a focus on public relations and advertising, Galatasaray University
Select Publications
- Phillips, D., Bylund, P. L., Rutherford, M. W., & Moore, C. B. (2023). Cryptocurrency legitimation through rhetorical strategies: an institutional entrepreneurship approach. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 35(1-2), 187-208.
- Rutherford, M., & Phillips, D. (2023). 14. Nonresponse bias in family business research. Field Guide to Family Business Research, 188.
- Glosenberg, A., Phillips, D., Schaefer, J., Pollack, J. M., Kirkman, B. L., McChesney, J., … & Foster, L. L. (2022). The relationship of self-efficacy with entrepreneurial success: A meta-analytic replication and extension. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 18, e00342.
- Rutherford, M., Phillips, D., & Arteaga-Fonseca, J. (2022). The bootstrapping-bricolage interface. De Gruyter Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance.
- Tracy, E. M., Billingsley, J., Pollack, J. M., Barber III, D., Beorchia, A., Carr, J. C., Gonzalez, G., Harris, M. L.., Michaelis, T. L., Morrow, G., Phillips, D., Rutherford, M. W., & Sheats, L. (2021). A Behavioral Insights Approach to Recruiting Entrepreneurs for an Academic Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbvi.2021.e00287
- Rutherford, M., & Phillips, D. (2021). Bootstrapping: Complementary lines of inquiry in entrepreneurship. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.
- Phillips, D., Rutherford, M. W., & Edwards, B. D. (2020). Does Isomorphism –or Identity—Legitimate? The Subtle Power of New Venture Nomenclature. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 40, 360.
- Phillips, D., & Rutherford, M. W. (2020). The Relation Between New Venture Legitimacy and Performance: A Meta-analytic Review. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 40, 359.
- Grumbles, L., Phillips, D., & Rutherford, M. W. (2020). Opaque Costly Signals and Debt Contracts in Entrepreneurial Ventures. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.11
- Phillips, D., Rutherford, M. W., & Moore, C. (2019). New Venture Legitimacy Diffusion: The Role of Storytelling and Social Networks. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.19421abstract
- Phillips, D. (2019). Bitcoin or 2000 others? Who will succeed? An institutional approach to cryptocurrency with a focus on Austrian Economics. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 22(2), 306-306.
Awards & Honors
- Best Conceptual Paper Award, Annual Meeting of AOM, 2020
Curriculum Vitae
Download Duygu Phillips’ CV (PDF)