Emily Battaglia

Title Assistant Professor of Economics
Email emilylb@nospam67d4a0f1ec4d9.udel.edu
Office 417 Purnell Hall


Emily Battaglia is an economist interested in health and labor economics with a particular focus on understanding the effect of policies on minority groups. Prior to joining the University of Delaware as an assistant professor of economics, Dr. Battaglia received her Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University, and her B.S. in economics and math and B.A. in Spanish from Penn State University.


  • Ph.D. in economics, Princeton University
  • M.A. in economics, Princeton University
  • B.S. in economics, Penn State University
  • B.S. in mathematics, Penn State University
  • B.A. in Spanish, Penn State University

Select Publications

  • Battaglia, Emily & Faizaan Kisat. (2021). Malaria, Race, and Inequality: Evidence from the Early 1900s U.S. South. The Journal of
    Economic History, 81(4), 1173-1222.

Awards & Honors

  • Industrial Relations Section Richard A. Lester Fellowship, 2020-2021
  • Princeton University Department of Economics Graduate Student Teaching Prize, 2020
  • Industrial Relations Section Clarence J. Hicks Memorial Fellowship, 2019-2020
  • Marimar and Cristina Torres Prize for Best Third Year Paper, 2019

Curriculum Vitae

Download Emily Battaglia’s CV (PDF)


Visit Emily Battaglia’s Personal Website