Gary Weaver

Photograph Image of Gary Weaver
Title Professor Emeritus of Business Administration


Professor Weaver’s research interests concern ethics and corruption in organizations, from the standpoint of both individual behavioral and cognitive processes, and organizational and institutional level policies, practices, cultures and structures. His scholarship has been published in Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, Organization Studies, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Organizational Dynamics and other journals and collections. He is co-author (with Linda K. Trevino) of Managing Ethics in Business Organizations: Social Scientific Perspectives (Stanford University Press, 2003), which has been noted as one of two books marking “the birth of behavioral business ethics” as a field of research. He served continuously as either editor in chief, senior associate editor or associate editor for Business Ethics Quarterly from 2004 to 2022, and has served on the editorial boards of other scholarly journals.

At Delaware Professor Weaver has primarily taught graduate level and executive courses in Lerner’s MBA programs and directed Lerner’s MBA central Europe study abroad program 2003-2017. He has also been visiting professor at the University of Zürich and taught in Lerner’s MBA program in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2022 Professor Weaver retired to part-time teaching and was awarded emeritus status by the University. He continues to teach in Lerner’s online MBA program, and continues service on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Business Ethics Quarterly and Business and Society Review.


  • Ph.D. in business administration, Pennsylvania State University
  • Ph.D. in philosophy, University of Iowa
  • B.A. in economics & philosophy, Bucknell University

Select Publications

  • de los Reyes, G., Kim, T. W., & Weaver, G. R. 2017. Teaching ethics in business schools: A conversation on disciplinary differences, academic provincialism, and the case for integrated pedagogy. Academy of Management Learning and Education.
  • Mitchell, R. K., Weaver, G. R., Agle, B. R., Bailey, A. D., Carlson, J. 2016. Stakeholder agency and social welfare: Pluralism and decision making in the multi-objective corporation. Academy of Management Review.
  • Weaver, G. R., Reynolds, S. J., & Brown, M. E., 2014. Moral intuition: Connecting current knowledge to future organizational research and practice. Journal of Management.
  • Treviño, L. K. & Weaver, G. R., 2010. Advances in research on punishment in organizations: Descriptive and normative perspectives. In M. Schminke, ed., Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Oxford & New York: Routledge.
  • Misangyi, V. F., Weaver, G. R., & Elms, H., 2008. Ending corruption: The interplay among institutional logics, resources, and institutional entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Review.
  • Treviño, L. K., Weaver, G. R., & Brown, M. E., 2008. It’s lovely at the top: Hierarchical levels, identities, and perceptions of organizational ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly.
  • Treviño, L. K., Weaver, G. R., & Reynolds, S., 2006. Behavioral ethics in organizations: A review. Journal of Management.
  • Weaver, G. R., 2006. Virtue in organizations: Moral identity as a foundation for moral agency. Organization Studies.
  • Weaver, G. R. & Agle, B. R. 2002. Religiosity as an influence on ethical behavior in organizations: A symbolic interactionist perspective. Academy of Management Review.

Awards & Honors

  • Lifetime achievement distinguished service award, Society for Business Ethics, 2014
  • Outstanding scholar award, Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, 2013
  • Outstanding developmental reviewer award, Academy of Management Review, 2022
  • Outstanding research award, Business Administration Department, 2016, 2013
  • Scholarly impact award, the Journal of Management, 2011
  • Best article award, International Association for Business and Society, 2010, 2018
  • Best paper award, Academy of Management (Social Issues in Management Division), 2017, 2000, 1996, 1992
  • “Citation classics” award from the Journal of Business Ethics, for co-authoring one of the 33 most cited articles in the journal’s first thirty years of publication, 2012.
  • Executive MBA program Distinguished Instructor award, 2000
  • Executive MBA program Teaching Excellence award, 1999

Curriculum Vitae

Download Gary Weaver’s CV (PDF)