George Parsons

Photograph Image of George Parsons
Title E.I. DuPont Professor - School of Marine Science and Policy
Office 204 Robinson Hall


  • College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department of Applied Economics & Statistics; profile page
  • Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, Department of Economics
  • College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Department of Applied Economics & Statistics


George Parsons is an environmental economist with an interest in non-market valuation including travel cost demand models, hedonics, contingent valuation and choice modeling. His recent work includes applications related to coastal beach use, electric vehicle choice, recreational fishing, birdwatching and offshore wind power. His primary appointment is in the School of Marine Science and Policy where he is the Unidel E.I. DuPont Professor. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin.


  • Ph.D. in economics, University of Wisconsin, 1985
  • A.B. in economics, Indiana University, 1975

Select Publications

  • Parsons, G., Heintzelman M. (2022). The Effect of Wind Power Projects on Property Values: A Decade (2011-2021) of Hedonic Price Analysis, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics.
  • Parsons, G., Paul, L. & Messer, K. (2022). Demand for an environmental public good in the time of COVID-19: a statewide water quality referendum. Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis.
  • MacNair, D., Parsons, G., Tomasi, T. and Byrd, H. (2022). Trip equivalency for economic valuation in recreation demand models: implications for compensatory restoration and benefits transfer. Marine Resource Economics, 37 (1): 91-107.
  • Parsons, G., Leggett, C., Herriges, J., Boyle, K., Bockstael, N., Chen, Z. (2021) A site-portfolio model for multiple-destination recreation Trips: valuing trips to national parks in the Southwestern USA. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8 (1): 1-25.
  • Parsons, G. & Yan, L. (2021). Anchoring on visual cues in a stated preference survey: the case of siting offshore wind power projects. Journal of Choice Modelling, 38, 100264.
  • Parsons, G., Firestone, J., Yan, L. & Toussaint, J. (2020). The effect of offshore wind power projects on recreational beach use: a contingent-behavior study on the east coast of the United States. Energy Policy, 144 111659.

Awards & Honors

  • Past Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, Marine Resource Economics
  • Grant, National Science Foundation, 2013-18
  • Grant, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2012-16
  • Grant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2014-2016
  • Board of Directors, Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2016
  • Scientific Advisory Board, US Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Economics Committee, 2008–2014

Curriculum Vitae

Download George Parsons’s CV (PDF)