George Tsakumis
Title Associate Professor of Accounting, Iannaccone Faculty Fellow, Advisor - ACCT Undergrad
Office 255 Purnell Hall
- Ph.D. in accounting, University of South Carolina
- Master of accountancy, Miami University, Oxford, OH
- B.S. in accounting, Miami University, Oxford, OH
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) OHIO (Inactive)
Select Publications
- Canace, T.G., Cianci, A.M., Liu, X.K., and G. T. Tsakumis. 2020. “Paid for Looks When Others Are Looking: CEO Facial Traits, Compensation and Corporate Visibility” Journal of Business Research 115: 85-100.
- Beaudoin, C.A., Cianci, A.M., Hannah, S.T., & G.T. Tsakumis. 2019. “Bolstering Managers’ Resistance to Temptation via the Firm’s Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility” Journal of Business Ethics 157(3): 303-318.
- Beaudoin, C.A., Cianci, A.M., & G.T. Tsakumis. 2015. “The Impact of CFOs’ Incentives and Earnings Management Ethics on their Financial Reporting Decisions: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement” Journal of Business Ethics 128(3): 505-518.
- Cianci, A.M., Hannah, S.T., Roberts, S.P., & G.T. Tsakumis. 2014. “The Effects of Authentic Leadership on Followers’ Ethical Decision-making in the Face of Temptation: An Experimental Study” The Leadership Quarterly 25(3): 581-594.
- Beaudoin, C.A., Dang, L., Fang, Q., & G.T. Tsakumis. 2012. “The Agency Problem and the Moderating Role of Culturally-Based Management Style on Chinese Managers’ Discretionary Accruals,” Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 21(2): 145-155.
- Agoglia, C.P., Doupnik, T.S., & G.T. Tsakumis. 2011. “Principles versus Rules-based Accounting Standards: The Influence of Standard Precision and Audit Committee Strength on Financial Reporting Decisions,” The Accounting Review 86(3): 747-767.
Awards & Honors
- Iannaccone Faculty Fellow, Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware 2018-Present
- Editorial Board Member, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 2017-Present
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 2009-Present
- Notable Contribution to the Auditing Literature Award, American Accounting Association Auditing Section, 2019
- Panelist (Main Teaching Session), American Accounting Association New Faculty Consortium, 2017
- Senior Faculty Group Discussion Leader, American Accounting Association New Faculty Consortium, 2016, 2017
- Coles Working Paper Award, 2015-2016 Coles Working Paper Series, Kennesaw State University – Coles College of Business
- Nominee – University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award, 2014, 2016, 2018
- Recognition for Outstanding Service as Program Chair for 2014 AAA Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Midyear Research Conference
- Outstanding Online Instructor Award, 2010-2011 National Distance Learning Week Awards Ceremony – Drexel University Online
- Best Paper Award, 2009 American Accounting Association International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting
- Distinguished Fellow, LeBow College of Business Center for Teaching Excellence, 2009-2012
- Excellence in Teaching Award (LeBow College MBA Anywhere online cohort and Pharma MBA online cohort), 2009
- Excellence in Teaching Award, LeBow College of Business, 2003, 2004
- American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2002