Hamed Mahmudi

Photograph Image of Hamed Mahmudi
Title Assistant Professor of Finance
Email hmahmudi@nospam6695ddfb9d5bc.udel.edu
Office 313 Purnell Hall


  • Ph.D. in finance, University of Toronto
  • M.S. in finance, University of British Columbia
  • M.S. in mechanical engineering, University of Alberta
  • B.S. in mechanical engineering, Sharif University of Technology

Select Publications

  • Director Networks and Firm Value, (with Tor-Erik Bakke, Jeff Black and Scott Linn), Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.
  • Foreign Competition and CEO Risk-Incentive Compensation, (with Tor-Erik Bakke, Felix Zhiyu Feng and Heqing Zhu), Journal of Corporate Finance,  2022, 76, 102241.
  • Why Are Bidder Termination Provisions Included In Takeovers?, (with Zhiyao Chen, Aazam Virani and Xiaofei Zhao), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2022, 57(7) 2860-2896.
  • Does Independent Advice to the Board Affect CEO Compensation?, (with Tor-Erik Bakke), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2021, 56(2) 693-744.
  • Performance Peer Groups in CEO Compensation Contracts, (with Tor-Erik Bakke and Ashley Newton), Financial Management, 2020, 49(4) 997-1027.
  • Collective Action and Governance Activism, (with Craig Doidge, Alexander Dyck and Aazam Virani), Review of Finance, 2019, 23(5) 893-933.
  • The Causal Effect of Option Pay on Corporate Risk Management (with Tor-Erik Bakke, Chitru Fernando and Jesus Salas), Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, 120, 623-643.
  • Corporate Payout Policy, Cash Savings, and The Cost of Consistency: Evidence from a Structural Estimation (with Michael Pavlin), Financial Management, 2013, 42(4) 843-874.

Awards & Honors

  • SWUFE-University of Delaware Joint Educational Institute Research Fellow, 2022


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