James Butkiewicz

Photograph Image of James Butkiewicz
Title Professor of Economics
Email jimb@nospam66e93a2b0acf2.udel.edu


  • Ph.D. in economics, University of Virginia, VA, 1977
  • B.A. in economics, Wilkes College, PA, Magna Cum Laude, 1971

Select Publications

  • “Ending Bretton Woods: Evidence from the Nixon Tapes,” (with Scott Ohlmacher), Economic History Review, November 2021, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 922-945.
  • “The Political Economy of Wage and Price Controls: Evidence from the Nixon Tapes,” (with Burton A. Abrams), Public Choice, January 2017. 170, pp. 63-78.
  • “The Original Operation Twist: The War Finance Corporation’s War Bond Purchases, 1918-1920,” (with Mihaela Solcan), Financial History Review, April 2016, Vol. 23, Part 1, pp. 21-46.
  • “Eugene Meyer and the German Influence on the Origin of U.S. Federal Financial Rescues,” Journal of the History of Economic Thought, March 2015, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 57-77.
  • “The Economic Growth Effect of Offshore Banking in Host Countries: Evidence from the Caribbean,” (with Leo-Rey Gordon), World Development, April 2013, Vol. 44, pp. 165-179.
  • “The Political Business Cycle: New Evidence from the Nixon Tapes,” (with Burton A. Abrams), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, March-April 2012, Vol. 44, No. 2-3, pp. 385-399.
  • “Minerals, Institutions, Openness and Growth: An Empirical Analysis,” (with Halit Yanikkaya), Land Economics, May 2010, Vol. 86, pp. 313-328.
  • “Governor Eugene Meyer and the Great Contraction,” Research in Economic History, 2008, Vol. 26, 273-307.  Reprinted in The Seminal Works Of the Great Depression, Vol. II, Randall E. Parker, ed.2011, Edward Elgar, pp. 679 – 713.
  • “Institutional Quality and Economic Growth: Maintenance of the Rule of Law or Democratic Institutions, or Both?” (with Halit Yanikkaya), Economic Modelling, July 2006, Vol. 23, pp. 648-661.
  • “The Effects of IMF and World Bank Lending on Long-Run Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis,” (with Halit Yanikkaya), World Development, March 2005, Vol. 33, pp. 371-391.
  • “The Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the Gold Standard, and the Banking Panic of 1933,” Southern Economic Journal, October 1999, Vol. 66, pp. 271-293.
  • “The Impact of a Lender of Last Resort During the Great Depression:  The Case of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation,” Explorations in Economic History, July 1995, pp. 197-216.
  • “The Market Value of Outstanding Government Debt:  A Comment,” Journal of Monetary Economics, May 1983, pp. 373-79.
  • “Money, Spending, and the Great Depression” (with Barry L. Anderson), Southern Economic Journal, October 1980, pp. 388‑403.
  • “Outside Wealth, the Demand for Money and the Crowding‑Out Effect,” Journal of Monetary Economics, April 1979, pp. 249‑58.

Awards & Honors

  • James B. O’Neill Award for Excellence in Economic Education and Entrepreneurship, 2017
  • Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Delaware, 1996-2001, 2012-2017
  • Visiting professor, Faculté de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université Lumière (Lyon 2), Lyon, France, 2001
  • Editorial board, Eastern Economic Journal, 2001-2015
  • Associate dean, College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, 1984-88, 1991-1996
  • Honor society membership, Phi Kappa Phi
  • Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, 1998
  • First place, college and university level, Joint Council on Economic Education, 26th National Awards Program for the Teaching of Economics; Project abstract appears in Volume 26 Economic Education Experiences of Enterprising Teachers

Curriculum Vitae

Download James Butkiewicz’s CV (PDF)