Jeffrey Miller

Photograph Image of Jeffrey Miller
Title Professor Emeritus of Economics


  • Ph.D. in economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1976
  • B.A. in economics, magna cum laude, Amherst College, 1968

Select Publications

  • “Financial System Development and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: New Empirical Evidence from the CEE and CIS Countries”  (co-authored with Saul Hoffman, Evangelos Falaris, Laura Cojocaru ) Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, March 2016
  • “The Educational Value of the College Fed Challenge Competition” (co-author Vera Brusentsev) Eastern Economic Journal, 41, pp. 513-526 (2015)
    “Privatization” in Paul Hare and Gerard Turley (eds), The Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition. Routledge, 2013
  • “The Dynamics That Are Restructuring Higher Education in the US and France,”  in Lahsen Abdelmalki, Jean-Pierre Allegret, Florence Puech, Mustapha Sadni Jallab and Ahmed Silem (eds)  Developpements Recents en Economie et Finance Internationales:  Melanges en L’Honneur du Professeur Rene Sandretto,  Armond Colin/Recherches, 2012
  • Columnist, MarketWatch, Retirementors, 2012-16, Twenty blog posts on Social Security at

Curriculum Vitae

Download Jeffrey Miller’s CV (PDF)