Ji Kyung Park
Title Associate Professor of Marketing
Email jipark@nospam67cf98fd635a9.udel.edu
Office 318 Alfred Lerner Hall
Biography Biography
Ji Kyung Park is an associate professor of marketing in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Delaware. She began her career as an assistant professor at the University of Delaware in 2011 after completing her Ph.D. in marketing at the University of Minnesota. Professor Park’s expertise lies in consumer psychology, focusing on implicit theories, self-esteem and social identity as they relate to brand consumption and prosocial behavior. Her research has been published in top academic journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Journal of Consumer Psychology. Her teaching areas of interest include principles of marketing, marketing management and consumer behavior.
- Ph.D. in business administration, University of Minnesota, 2011
- M.A. in statistics, Columbia University, 2005
- MBA, Yonsei University, 2002
- B.A. in English literature, Ewha Womans University, 2000
Select Publications
- Park, Ji Kyung and Stewart Shapiro (2021), “Promoting the Ambiguity of a Public Health Crisis Can Facilitate Adjustment: The Joint Influence of an Ambiguous Message Focus and Implicit Self-Theories,” Health Communication.
- Park, Ji Kyung, Carlos J. Torelli, Alokparna Basu Monga, and Deborah Roedder John (2019), “Value Instantiation: How to Overcome the Value Conflict in Promoting Luxury Brands with CSR Initiatives,” Marketing Letters, 30 (3-4), 307-319.
- Park, Ji Kyung and Deborah Roedder John (2018), “Judging a Book by Its Cover: The Influence of Implicit Self Theories on Brand User Perceptions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(1), 56-76.
- Kang, Jungyun, Ji Kyung Park, and Hakkyun Kim (2018), “The Influence of Implicit Self-Theories on Causal Inferences about Superstitions and Consequences on Subsequent Tasks,” Special Issue on the Science of Extraordinary Beliefs, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(4), 477-489.
- Park, Ji Kyung and Deborah Roedder John (2018), “Developing Brand Relationships after a Brand Transgression: The Role of Implicit Theories of Relationships,” Special Issue on Brand Relationships, Emotions, and the Self, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(2).
- John, Deborah Roedder and Ji Kyung Park (2016), “Mindsets Matter: Implications for Branding Research and Practice,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(1), 153-160. [Invited Article]
- Park, Ji Kyung and Deborah Roedder John (2014), “I Think I Can, I Think I Can: Brand Use, Self-Efficacy, and Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), 233-247.
- Vohs, Kathleen D., Ji Kyung Park, and Brandon Schmeichel (2013), “Self-Affirmation Can Enable Goal Disengagement,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(1), 14-27.
- Park, Ji Kyung and Deborah Roedder John (2012), “Capitalizing on Brand Personalities in Advertising: Are Signaling or Self-Improvement Ad Appeals More Effective?” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(3), 424-432.
- Park, Ji Kyung and Deborah Roedder John (2011), “More than Meets the Eye: The Influence of Implicit versus Explicit Self-Esteem on Materialism,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21(1), 73-87.
- Park, Ji Kyung and Deborah Roedder John (2010), “Got to Get You into My Life: Do Brand Personalities Rub Off on Consumers?” Journal of Consumer Research, 37(4), 655-669.
Awards & Honors
- Outstanding Scholarship Award, Department of Business Administration, University of Delaware, 2014
- C.W. Park Young Contributor Award, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2012
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2010
- AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2010
- Honorable Mention, Society for Consumer Psychology Dissertation Proposal Competition, 2009
- Carlson School of Management Dissertation Fellowship, 2009
- Vaile Fellowship for Outstanding Ph.D. Student Recognition, University of Minnesota, 2008
- McNamara Women’s Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2008
- Haring Symposium Representative, Indiana University, 2008
- Henrickson Fellowship for Research Excellence, University of Minnesota, 2007
Curriculum Vitae
Download Ji Kyung Park’s CV (PDF)