Jill Panté

Photograph Image of Jill Pante
Title Director
Email jgugino@nospam67c7d3018189b.udel.edu
Office 103 Alfred Lerner Hall


Jill Gugino Panté is the director of the Lerner College Career Services Center. She has been with the University of Delaware for nine years, and was at Drexel University for two years prior.

Previously, Panté served in the Peace Corps in Micronesia from 1999-2001 as a health education volunteer. After her service, she traveled the world and returned to the United States to serve as a leader in an AmeriCorps VISTA program. There, she recruited and trained other volunteers to create mentoring programs in Delaware K-12 schools.

In addition to managing the undergraduate and graduate Lerner Career Services Center, Panté also teaches 2 online courses and a summer high school camp covering topics around branding, professional development, the entrepreneurial mindset, interviewing and social media.


  • Master of education in college counseling, University of Delaware
  • Bachelor’s degree in criminal science, University of Dayton