Kurt Norder

Title Assistant Professor of Management, Program Director – M.S. International Business
Email norder@nospam67c7d00403476.udel.edu
Office 234 Alfred Lerner Hall


Kurt Norder is an assistant professor of strategy and global studies in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Delaware. He joined the Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics in 2014 after a postdoc at Simon Fraser and a PhD in International Business at University of South Carolina. Professor Norder brings experience in engineering, Lean Six Sigma, corporate finance, international acquisition integration, treasury, global management and strategic consulting. His research uses computational content analyses to identify trends and hidden patterns to evaluate complex interactions in areas such as international business, interdisciplinarity, team science and job search. He has publications in quality academic journals such as Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Research and Psychology of Sport & Exercise among others. His teaching interests include global environments, global management and strategic management.


  • Ph.D. in international business, University of South Carolina
  • B.S. in mechanical engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Select Publications

  • Lu, L., Norder, K., Emich, K., & Sawhney, A. (2022). Setting the Programmatic Agenda: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Overview of Team Mechanism Research. Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.
  • Norder, K., Emich, K., Kanar, A., Sawhney, A., & Behrend, T. S. (2022). A house divided: A multilevel bibliometric review of the job search literature 1973–2020. Journal of Business Research, 151, 100-117.
  • Emich, K. J., Norder, K., Lu, L., & Sawhney, A. (2020). A comprehensive analysis of the integration of team research between sport psychology and management. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 50, 101732.
  • Emich, K. J., Kumar, S., Lu, L., Norder, K., & Pandey, N. (2020). Mapping 50 Years of Small Group Research Through Small Group Research. Small Group Research, 51(6), 659-699.
  • Norder, K., Sullivan, D., Emich, K. J., & Sawhney, A. (2020). Re-anchoring the Ontology of IB: A Reply to Poulis & Poulis. Academy of Management Perspectives.

Curriculum Vitae

Download Kurt Norder’s CV (PDF)