Laura Field

Title Donald J. Puglisi Professor of Finance, Chairperson
Office 306 A Purnell Hall


  • Ph.D. in finance, University of California, Los Angeles
  • M.B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
  • B.A. in economics, University of California, Los Angeles

Select Publications

  • “Bucking the Trend: Why Do IPO Firms Choose Controversial Governance Structures and Why Do Investors Let Them?” with Michelle Lowry, 2022, Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.
  • “At the Table, But Can’t Break Through the Glass Ceiling: Board Leadership Positions Elude Diverse Directors,” with Matthew Souther and Adam Yore, 2020, Journal of Financial Economics 137, 787-814.
  • “The Consequences to Analyst Involvement in the IPO Process: Evidence Surrounding the JOBS Act,” with Michael Dambra, Matthew Gustafson and Kevin Pisciotta, 2018, Journal of Accounting and Economics 65, 302-330.
  • “The Effect of Director Experience on Acquisition Performance,” with Anahit Mkrtchyan, 2017, Journal of Financial Economics 123, 488-511.
  • “The JOBS Act and IPO Volume: Evidence that Disclosure Costs Affect the IPO Decision,” with Michael Dambra and Matthew Gustafson, 2015, Journal of Financial Economics 116, 121‑143.
  • “Can Managers Time the Market? Evidence using Repurchase Price Data,” with Amy Dittmar, 2015, Journal of Financial Economics 115, 261‑282.
  • “Are Busy Boards Detrimental?” with Michelle Lowry and Anahit Mkrtchyan, 2013, Journal of Financial Economics 109, 63-82.
  • “Institutional versus Individual Investment in IPOs: The Importance of Firm Fundamentals” with Michelle Lowry, 2009, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 44, 489‑516. (Lead Article)
  • “The Determinants of Corporate Board Size and Composition: An Empirical Analysis” with Audra Boone, Jonathan Karpoff and Charu Raheja, 2007, Journal of Financial Economics 85, 65-101.
  • “Does Disclosure Deter or Trigger Litigation?” with Michelle Lowry and Susan Shu, 2005, Journal of Accounting & Economics 39, 487-507.
  • “Does Insider Trading Impair Market Liquidity? Evidence from Lockup Expirations,” with Charles Cao and Gordon Hanka, 2004, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 39, 25-46.
  • “Takeover Defenses of IPO Firms,” with Jonathan Karpoff, 2002, Journal of Finance 57, 1857‑1889 (lead article).
  • “The Expiration of IPO Share Lockups,” with Gordon Hanka, 2001, Journal of Finance 56, 471‑500.

Curriculum Vitae

Download Laura Field’s CV (PDF)