Qingjiu (Tom) Tao
Photograph Title Assistant Professor of Management
Email qtao@nospam6789a71eb087a.udel.edu
Office 219 Lerner Hall
Biography Biography
Qingjiu (Tom) Tao teaches strategic management and competitive intelligence in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. He received his Ph.D. in strategic management and international business from the University of Pittsburgh in 2004. He served on the editorial board of the Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management (JCIM) from 2003 to 2009. He was inducted as a CI fellow into the Council of CI FELLOWS in 2018.
His research on alliance portfolio and competitive intelligence has been published in leading journals such as Strategic Management Journal and Competitive Intelligence Review. Many researchers have cited his work on alliance portfolio diversity and survey of competitive intelligence practices. He has spoken at the Wharton School, Dartmouth, University of Tokyo, University of Michigan, AutoUni—VW and testified as an expert before the U.S. Congress’ China Economic and Security Review Commission on China’s auto industry.
- Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Pittsburgh
- Master of Science, China Aero Info Center, Beijing
- Bachelor of Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing
Select Publications
- Tao, Q., and Prescott, J., (2000). China: Competitive Intelligence Practices in an Emerging Market Environment. Competitive Intelligence Review. Vol. 11(4)., 65-78
- Qingjiu Tao, (2005). Race to the Great Wall—Multinational Corporations in China’s Passenger Car Market. In Mike Peng (Ed.) Global Strategy. Thomson-Southwestern. 165-170.
- Joy Jiang, Qingjiu Tao, and Mike Santoro (2010), Alliance Portfolio Diversity and Corporate performance—The case of global automobile industry. Strategic Management Journal. Vol 31 (10)., 1136-1144.
- Jinsong Wang, Xiting Gong, Qiwen Wang, and Qingjiu Tao. (2010). The impact of market, government and environment on research output of Chinese Medical Field. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, Vol. 4 (3). 258-271.
- Qingjiu Tao. 2010. Competitive Intelligence and Outward Foreign Direct Investment. On “Progress in Competitive Intelligence Research and Practices (2010)”, Edited by Professor Xinzhou Xie. Beijing: Peking University Press.
- Tao, Q. , Prescott, J. E., Tsu, S. (2011) Smarter Mover Advantage: A Longitudinal Analysis of International Joint Ventures in China’s Auto Market,. Strategic Alliances In a Globalizing World. Edited by T.K. Das. Information age publishing.
- Qingjiu Tao. 2011. On evaluating and effectively using competitive intelligence software. On “Progress in Competitive Intelligence Research and Practices (2011)”, Edited by Professor Xinzhou Xie. Beijing: Peking University Press.
- Qingjiu Tao. 2013. Competitive Intelligence and Due Diligence—the case of Muddy Water Research. The development of Competitive Intelligence — Case Analysis. Edited by Professor Xinzhou Xie. Peking University Press.
- Qingjiu Tao, Joy Jiang and Mike Santoro. 2014. Expand or retrench? Alliance portfolio adaptation to environmental jolts. Accepted for publication. International Journal of Business Environment.
- Qingjiu Tao, Joy Jiang. 2014. Pace of Expansion and FDI Performance: The Case of Auto FDIs in China. Accepted for publication. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
- Qingjiu Tao. 2015. The Difference between American and Chinese Competitive Intelligence Practices. Competitive Intelligence. Vol 11 (2). 42-45.
- Qingjiu Tao. 2015. Competitive Intelligence Support for Cross-Border M&A. 2015 SCIP/CICI China Competitive Intelligence Summit Conference Proceeding. 174-187.
- Wen Hongjian and Qingjiu tao. 2016. Dialogue: Competitive Intelligence Education in China and the U.S. I am SCIP Magazine. Vol 3 (1), 91-105.
- Olex Osiyevskyy, Qingjiu Tao, Joy Jiang, and Mike Santoro. 2017. Opportunity is in the Eye of Beholder: The Rational and Behavioral Drivers of Alliance Portfolio Adaptation to Performance Shortfalls and Environmental Jolts. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 18(2), 115-127. Sage.
Awards & Honors
- Inductee for CI fellow in Council of CI fellows, 2018
- National Retail Foundation Conference Grant, 2015
- Faculty Teaching Fund from James Madison University, 2013
- Faculty Research Fund from James Madison University, 2012
- Research Fund from JMU Center of Entrepreneurship, 2011
- Recipient of Competitive International IMVP grant, 2007
- Junior Faculty Consortia, BPS Division, Academy of Management, 2005
- Junior Faculty Consortia, IM Division, Academy of Management, 2004
Curriculum Vitae
Download Tom Tao’s CV (PDF)