Richard Agnello

Title Professor Emeritus of Economics


  • Ph.D. in Economics, Johns Hopkins University
  • B.A. in Economics, University of Rochester

Select Publications

  • “Do U.S. Paintings Follow the CAPM? Findings Disaggregated by Subject, Artist, and Value of the Work.” Research in Economics, 70: 3, 403-411, 2016.
  • “Race and Art: Prices for African American Painters and Their Contemporaries.” Journal of Black Studies, 41: 1, 56-70,  2010.
  • “Investment Returns and Risk for Art: Evidence from Auctions of American Paintings.” Eastern Economics Journal, 28: 4, 443-463, 2002.
  • “Financial Returns, Price Determinants, and Genre Effects in American Art Investment” (with R. Pierce). Journal of Cultural Economics. 20: 4, 359-383, 1996.
  • “Substitute Site Measures in a Varying Parameter Model With Application To Recreational Fishing.” Marine Resource Economics, 8: 1, 65-77,  1993.
  • “The Economic Value ofFishing Success: An Application of Socio-Economic Survey Data.” Fishery. Bulletin, 87, 223-232, 1989.
  • “Regulation and the Structure of Property Rights: The Case of the U.S. Oyster Industry” (with L. Donnelley). Research in Law and Economics, 6, 267-281, 1984.
  • “Economic Potential for Utilizing Minced Fish in Cooked Sausage Products.” Marine Fisheries Review, 45: 7-9, 21-26, 1983.
  • “Production Responses for Multi-Species Fisheries” (with L. G. Anderson). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 38: 11, 1393-1404, 1981.
  • “Poverty and Economic Growth, Trickle DownHas Petered Out: A Reply” (with J. Thornton and C. Link). Economic Inquiry, 18: 1, 159-63, 1980.
  • “Poverty and Economic Growth: Trickle Down Peters Out” (with J. Thornton and C. Link). Economic Inquiry, 16: 3, 385-94, 1978.
  • “Economic Evaluation of Highway System Benefits.” Transportation Research: An International Journal, 11: 5, 365-69, 1977.
  • “Externalities and PropertyRights in the Fisheries: A Reply” (with L.Donnelley). Land Economics, 53:4, 492-95, 1977.
  • “Externalities and Property Rights in the Fisheries.” Land Economics, 52: 4, 518-29, 1976.
  • “The Impact of a Part Time Graduate Degree and Early Career Earnings on Late Career Earnings” (with .J Hunt). Journal of Human Resources, 18: 2, 209-18, 1976.

Curriculum Vitae

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