Rick L. Andrews

Title Professor of Marketing, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty
Email andrewsr@nospam67b8caccce45e.udel.edu
Office 303 J Lerner Hall


Rick Andrews is a professor of marketing in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Delaware. He has served as deputy dean of the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics since 2009, and he also served as chair of the Department of Business Administration from 2006-2011.  He began his career as an assistant professor at the University of Delaware in 1992 after completing his Ph.D. in marketing at Virginia Tech. His research interests include the statistical modeling of consumer perceptions, preferences and choices. His research has been published in such top academic journals as the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. His teaching interests are in the areas of marketing research, statistics and business consulting.


  • Ph.D. in marketing and statistics, Virginia Tech, 1992
  • MBA, Radford University, 1988
  • B.S. in marketing and mathematics, Radford University, 1987

Select Publications

  • Andrews, Rick L., Imran S. Currim, and Peter Leeflang (2011), “A Comparison of Sales Response Predictions from Demand Models Applied to Store-Level vs. Panel Data,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 29 (April), 319-326.
  • Herzenstein, Michal, Utpal M. Dholakia, and Rick L. Andrews (2011), “A Study of Strategic Herding Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Loan Auctions,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 25 (February), 27-36.
  • Andrews, Rick L., Andrew Ainslie, and Imran S. Currim (2008), “On the Recovery of Choice Behaviors with Random Coefficients Choice Models in the Context of Limited Data and Unobserved Effects,” Management Science, 54 (1), 83-99.
  • Swait, Joffre and Rick L. Andrews (2003), “Enriching Scanner Panel Models with Choice Experiments,” Marketing Science, 22 (Fall), 442-460.
  • Andrews, Rick L. and Imran S. Currim (2003), “A Comparison of Segment Retention Criteria for Finite Mixture Logit Models,” Journal of Marketing Research, 40 (May), 235-243.
  • Andrews, Rick L., Andrew Ainslie, and Imran S. Currim (2002), “An Empirical Comparison of Logit Choice Models with Discrete Versus Continuous Representations of Heterogeneity,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (November), 479-487.
  • Andrews, Rick L., Asim Ansari, and Imran S. Currim (2002), “Hierarchical Bayes vs. Finite Mixture Conjoint Analysis Models: A Comparison of Fit, Prediction, and Partworth Recovery,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (February), 87-98.
  • Abramson, Charles, Rick L. Andrews, Imran S. Currim, and Morgan Jones (2000), “Parameter Bias from Unobserved Effects in the Multinomial Logit Model of Consumer Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (November), 410-426.
  • Andrews, Rick L. and Ajay K. Manrai, (1999) “MDS Maps for Product Attributes and Market Response: An Application to Scanner Panel Data,” Marketing Science, 18 (4), 584-604.
  • Andrews, Rick L. and Ajay K. Manrai (1998), “Simulation Experiments in Choice Simplification: The Effects of Task and Context on Forecasting Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research, 35 (May), 198-209.

Awards & Honors

  • Summer Research Grant, University of Delaware, 2002
  • Invitational Choice Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, 2001
  • Summer Research Grant, University of Delaware, 2001
  • Summer Research Grant, University of Delaware, 2000
  • Continuing Excellence in Research After Tenure (CERT) Grant, 1999
  • Nominated for College of Business & Economics Research Award, 1996
  • One of 3 nominees for best paper award from volumes 10-12 of Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
  • General University Research (GUR) Grant, University of Delaware, 1994
  • Cunningham Dissertation Fellow, one of eight at VPI&SU, 1991-2
  • AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 1991

Curriculum Vitae

Download Rick Andrews’ CV (PDF)