Sabrin Beg

Photograph Image of Sabrin Beg
Title Associate Professor of Economics, Associate Chair - Graduate Programs
Office 452 Purnell Hall


  • Ph.D. in economics, Yale University, 2015
  • M.Phil. in economics, Yale University, 2011
  • M.A., in economics, Yale University, 2011
  • B.A. in economics and mathematics, Magna cum Laude, Wellesley College, 2007

Select Publications

  • Engaging Teachers with Technology Increased Achievement, Bypassing Teachers Did Not (with Adrienne M. Lucas, Waqas Halim, and Umar Saif), forthcoming American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
  • Digitization and Development: Property Rights and Land and Labor Markets, forthcoming Journal of the European Economic Association.
  • Health Knowledge and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa (with Anne Fitzpatrick, Laura Derksen, Anne Karing, Jason Kerwin, Adrienne Lucas, Natalia Reynoso and Munir Squires), forthcoming Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
  •  Gender Bias in Performance Assessments: Evidence from Teachers (with Anne Fitzpatrick and Adrienne Lucas). In American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 111, 190-95, May 2021.
  • Rule-of-Thumb’ Instructions to Improve Fertilizer Management? Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh (with Mahnaz Islam). Economic Development and Cultural Change, 70 (1), October 2021.
  • Tenancy and clientelism. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 186, 201-226. 2021
  • Favoritism and flooding: Political alignment and allocation of irrigation water. World Development, 114, 175-195. 2019

Awards & Honors

  • Georg W. Leitner Program in International and Comparative Political Economy Award, 2014
  • Sasakawa Research Award, 2014
  • Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, 2012

Curriculum Vitae

Download Sabrin Beg’s CV (PDF)


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