Scott Bentley
Title Assistant Professor of Management
Office 218 Alfred Lerner Hall
Biography Biography
Scott Bentley is an Assistant Professor of Strategy in the Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. He received his Ph.D. from the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University in 2017. His research broadly focuses on how organizations can achieve a competitive advantage through the effective management of human resources. In this vein, he has focused on the interface of organizations’ HR investments with their investments in other key resources and with their broader objectives of strategic change and financial performance. Scott also conducts research in the area of strategic human capital, with much of his work in this area focusing on star employees. His research has been published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology and Journal of Management and Personnel Psychology, and received media attention from outlets such as The Washington Post, Forbes, and Fortune. He serves on the editorial boards of Personnel Psychology, Human Resource Management Review and Human Resource Management, and as an ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Journal of Applied Psychology, among other journals.
- Ph.D. in human resources and industrial relations, Rutgers University
- M.S. in human resources and industrial relations, Rutgers University
- B.S. in economics, Rutgers University
Select Publications
- Bentley, F.S., Kehoe, R.R., & Chung, H. (2021). Investing for keeps: Firms’ pre-pandemic investments in human capital decreased workforce reductions associated with COVID-19 financial pressures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(12), 1785-1804.
- Kehoe, R.R., & Bentley, F.S. (2021). Shadows and shields: Stars limit their collaborators’ exposure to attributions of both credit and blame. Personnel Psychology, 74(3), 573-610.
- Bentley, F.S., & Kehoe, R.R. (2020). Give them some slack—They’re trying to change! The benefits of excess cash, excess employees, and increased human capital in the strategic change context. Academy of Management Journal, 63(1), 181-204.
- Bentley, F.S., Fulmer, I.S. & Kehoe, R.R. (2019). Payoffs for layoffs? An examination of CEO relative pay and firm performance surrounding layoff announcements. Personnel Psychology, 72(1), 81-106.
- Kehoe, R.R., Lepak, D.P., & Bentley, F.S. (2018). Let’s call a star a star. Task performance, external status, and exceptional contributors in organizations. Journal of Management, 44(5), 1848-1872.
- Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adyan, M., Bentley, F.S., McKay, P.F., & Kruse, D. (2017). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 71(2), 329-364.
Awards & Honors
- Binghamton University, School of Management, Corning Research Award, 2020
- Academy of Management HR Division’s SHRM Dissertation Grant Award, 2016
Curriculum Vitae
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