Terry Campbell
Title Associate Professor of Finance, Program Director – M.S. Finance
Email campbelt@nospam67eb26528804a.udel.edu
Office 311 Purnell Hall
Biography Education
- Ph.D., major: business administration and financial economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1998
- MBA, Babcock Graduate School of Management, Wake Forest University, 1994
- B.S. in economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1991
Select Publications
- “Venture capitalist involvement and the long-term performance of IPOs” (with M. Frye), 2006. Journal of Private Equity 10 7-17.
- “Incentive compensation for bank directors: The impact of deregulation” (with D. Becher and M. Frye), 2005. Journal of Business 78 1753-1777.
- “Corporate governance of Japanese banks” (with C. Anderson), 2004. Journal of Corporate Finance 10 327-354. (lead article)
- “Bank mergers, the market for bank CEOs, and managerial incentives” (with C. Anderson and D. Becher), 2004. Journal of Financial Intermediation 13, No. 1, 6-27. (lead article)
- “Interstate banking deregulation and the changing nature of bank mergers” (with D. Becher), 2005. Journal of Financial Research 28 1-20. (lead article).
- “Bank monitoring, firm performance, and top management turnover in Japan (with C. Anderson, J. Narayanan, and G. Mandelker), 2003. Advances in Financial Economics 8 1-27. (lead article)
- “Corporate Governance in South Korea: the Chaebol Experience” (with P. Keys), 2002. Journal of Corporate Finance 8, No. 4, 373-391.
- “Restructuring the Japanese Banking System: Has Japan Gone Far Enough?” (with C. Anderson), 2000, International Review of Financial Analysis 9, No. 2, 197-218.
- “Corporate Governance in South Korea: Implications for Future Research”, 2001, Research in International Business and Finance 15, Issues in International Corporate Control and Governance, 261-272.
- “Executive Compensation and the Horizon Problem: A Synthesis of the Economics of Aging and Decision Management” (with J. McGinnis, J. Miles, and S. Michelle Chu), 1999, Managerial Finance 25, No. 10, 34-49
Awards & Honors
- GUR Grant and partial Department of Finance Summer Research Grant, 2006
- Lerner College of Business and Economics Dean’s Advisory Committee, faculty representative, 2006-present
- Department Recruiting Committee, 2006-present
- MBA Leadership Committee, 2006-present
- Department of Finance Summer Research Grant, 2005
- College MBA Committee, College of Business Administration, University of Delaware, 2004-present
- College Summer Research Grant, 2003, 2004
- Partial College Summer Research Grant award and GUR Grant, 2002
- Undergraduate Programs Review Committee, University of Delaware, 2000-present
- Best Paper in International Finance, Eastern Finance Association Meeting, 1999