Tom Eisenberg

Title Assistant Professor of Economics
Office Purnell 412


Tom Eisenberg is an assistant professor of economics at the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. His research is primarily concentrated in industrial organization, with a focus on regulatory issues in the energy industry. Much of his work is on the Chinese coal power industry, where he builds models to illustrate how power plants and regulators interact, and examines how different regulatory regimes would impact efficiency and pollution in this market. He holds a doctorate in economics from Cornell University and a bachelor of arts in economics and statistics from Swarthmore College.


  • Ph.D. in economics, Cornell University
  • M.A. in economics, Cornell University
  • B.A. in economics and statistics, Swarthmore College

Select Publications

  • R.G. Ehrenberg, G.H. Jakubson, M.L Martin, and J.B. Main, “Diversifying the Faculty Across Gender Lines: Do Trustees and Administrators Matter?”, Economics of Education Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2012, pages 9-18
  • T. Eisenberg, M.T. Wells, and M. Zhang, “Addressing the Zeros Problem: Regression Models for Outcomes with a Large Proportion of Zeros, with an Application to Trial Outcomes”, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2015, pages 9-18 (special edition in memory of Theodore Eisenberg)

Awards & Honors

  • Hu Shih Fellowship in Chinese Studies (full semester funding) Fall 2018, Cornell University
  • LR “Red” Wilson Excellence in Economics Medal (graduate research award) 2015, Cornell University
  • Sage Fellowship (first year scholarship) 2013, Cornell University


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