Xuewu Wang

Title Associate Professor of Finance
Email xwwang@nospam67d2cfaf29931.udel.edu
Office 316C Purnell Hall


Xuewu Wang is currently serving as an associate professor of finance in the Department of Finance, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics. Professor Wang obtained his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Michigan Stephen Ross School of Business. Since graduation, he has been teaching a variety of finance courses at several AACSB-accredited schools including the University of Scranton, Bucknell University and the University of Oklahoma. Prior to joining the Lerner College, Dr. Wang was a tenured associate professor of finance at Quinnipiac University.

His main research interests are in insider trading, options, empirical asset pricing and behavioral finance. He has maintained an active research agenda and published many papers in quality finance journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance and European Financial Management. He is a regular attendee at many finance conferences, presenting research papers and serving in various roles including session chair. He has served as ad-hoc referee for quality finance journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Review, Journal of Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. He has been commissioned by ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) for research regarding the economic value of the non-centrally cleared over-the-counter derivatives in the past.

He has taught a variety of finance courses including Introduction to Finance, Investment Analysis, Fixed Income Securities and Markets, Financial Modeling and Financial Markets and Institutions both at the undergraduate and graduate level. He would view himself as a passionate, dynamic and engaging teacher. His teaching relies heavily on Microsoft Excel. He enjoys relating teaching materials to the real-world financial markets. He has consistently earned high teaching evaluations from his students.


  • Ph.D. in finance, University of Michigan
  • Master of economics, Fudan University
  • Bachelor of economics, Zhejiang GongShang University