Yushan Liu
Title Assistant Professor of MIS
Email yushanl@nospam67e76e035df78.udel.edu
Office 004A Purnell Hall
Biography Biography
Yushan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems. She received her Ph.D. in supply chain and business technology management from John Molson School of Business at Concordia University. Her research interest lies in the area of human-computer interaction with a focus on negotiation. She also conducts research on data mining, decision science and information systems.
- Ph.D. in supply chain and business technology management, Concordia University
Selected Publication
- Liu, Y., Vahidov, R., Saade, R. (2023). “Can a Negotiator Build a Tough Impression Without Chatting? —— Implicit Power and Their Influence on Human-Computer Negotiation”, Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Liu, Y., Vahidov, R., Saade, R. (2023). “Human-Computer Negotiations: A Systematic Evaluation of the Effects of Timespan, Tactic, and Search Mechanism”, Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.