Zvi Schwartz
Title Professor of Hospitality Business Management
Email zvi@nospam67e39ac02131b.udel.edu
Office 216 Raub Hall
Biography Biography
Zvi Schwartz is a professor in the Department of Hospitality and Sport Business Management in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. Prior to joining the University of Delaware, Dr. Schwartz was the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Senior Faculty Fellow for Hospitality Finance and Revenue Management in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Virginia Tech where he served as the director of graduate programs, and an associate professor at the University of Illinois. Prior to joining academia, he had over a decade of lodging industry experience as a manager and an entrepreneur.
His scholarly research and industry consulting focus on the core technical elements of the revenue management cycle: forecasting, optimization and monitoring; as well as the closely related topics of strategic pricing and consumer and firm decisions in advanced reservation environments. Recent projects explored novel hotel forecasting approaches, forecasting accuracy measures, hotel competitive sets, overbooking optimization and revenue management performance measures.
Dr. Schwartz teaches courses in hotel management at both the graduate and undergraduate level and mentors doctoral and master’s students. He received numerous research awards, is a three-time recipient of ICHRIE’s W. Bradford Wiley Memorial Best Published Research Paper of the Year Award, and his research grants total over $600,000.
- Ph.D. in hospitality and tourism management, Purdue University
- MBA, Tel-Aviv University
- B.A. in economics, Haifa University
Select Publications
- Altin, M., Chen, C., Riasi, A. & Schwartz, Z. (2022). Go moderate! How hotels’ cancellation policies affect their financial performance. Tourism Economics. https://doi.org/10.1177/13548166221128450
- Koupriouchina, L., van der Rest, J. I., & Schwartz, Z. (forthcoming). Judgmental adjustments of RMS hotel occupancy forecasts: Does user override frequency impact forecasting accuracy at different forecasting time horizons? Tourism Economics
- Webb, T., Beldona, S., Schwartz, Z. & Bianco, S. (2021). Growing the pie: An examination of coopetition benefits in the US lodging industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33(12), 4355-4372. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-03-2021-0340
- Webb, T., Schwartz, Z., Xiang, Z. & Altin, M. (2021). Hotel revenue management forecasting accuracy: The hidden impact of booking windows. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-05-2021-0124
- Schwartz, Z., Webb, T., & Ma, J. (2021). Hotel analytics: The case for reverse competitive sets. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 63(4), 559–571. https://doi.org/10.1177/19389655211036656
- Ling, L., Webb T. & Schwartz, Z. (2021). Risk information and markdowns-induced incentives to participate in hotel room resale schemes. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 21, 418-430. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41272-021-00352-9
- Ma, J., Webb T., & Schwartz Z. (2021). A blended model of restaurant deliveries, capacity constraints and distributions channels: Theory and empirical observations. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.102981
- Schwartz, Z., Webb, T., van der Rest, J. I. & Koupriouchina, L. (2021). Enhancing the Accuracy of Revenue Management System Forecasts: The Impact of Machine and Human Learning on the Effectiveness of Hotel Occupancy Forecast Combinations across Multiple Forecasting Horizons. Tourism Economics. 27(2), 273-291. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816619884800
- Schwartz, Z & Webb, T. (2020). Resource Similarity, Market Commonality and Spatial Distribution of Hotel Competitive Sets. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 46(4), 724-741. https://doi.org/10.1177/1096348020988579
- Webb, T., Schwartz, Z., Xiang .Z, & Singal, M. (2020). Revenue Management Forecasting: The Resiliency of Advanced Booking Methods given Dynamic Booking Windows. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, xx. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102590
- Huang, T., Chen, C. & Schwartz, Z. (2019). Do I book at exactly the right time? Airfare forecast accuracy across three price-prediction platforms. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 18(4), 281-290. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41272-019-00193-7
- Riasi, A., Schwartz, Z. & Beldona, S. (2019). Hotel Overbooking Taxonomy: Who and how? International Journal of Hospitality Management. 82, 1-4.
- Riasi A., Schwartz Z. & Chen C. (2019). A paradigm shift in revenue management? The new landscape of hotel cancellation policies. Journal of Pricing and Revenue Management. 18(6), 434-440. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41272-019-00189-3 https://rdcu.be/bpHhu
- Yang, Y., Jiang L. & Schwartz, Z. (2019). Who’s hiding? Room rate discounts in opaque distribution channels. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 80, 113-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.02.001
- Riasi, A., Schwartz Z. & Chen C. (2018). A proposition-based theorizing approach to hotel cancelation practices research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 30(11), 3175-3191. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-10-2017-0616
Awards & Honors
- JHTR’s 2021 outstanding research article – highly commended award, 2022
- Best 2018 paper award finalist, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2019
- Best paper award, ICHRIE, 2019
- Founders Award, Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, 2019
- HRAD Spring 2017 Distinguished Davis Speaker, Oklahoma State University, 2017
- Best Research Abstract Award, ICHRIE’s NENA Conference, 2017
- Best Published Research Paper of the Year Award, 1st place, Intl. Federation of IT Travel & Tourism, 2017
- Michael D. Olsen Research Award, 2017
- Best Research Paper Award, Revenue Management and Pricing conference, Paris, 2015
- Institute of Hospitality Education, Research Award, EuroCHRIE, 2015
- W. Bradford Wiley Memorial Best Published Research Paper of the Year Award, ICHRIE, 2015
- W. Bradford Wiley Memorial Best Published Research Paper of the Year Award, ICHRIE, 2013
- Researcher of the week, Virginia Tech, 2013
- Excellent paper award, the 2012 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, 2012
- Best paper award, Graduate Education and Research in Tourism and Hospitality Conference, 2011
Curriculum Vitae
Download Zvi Schwartz’s CV (PDF)