2020 Economic Forecast Coming to UD

Lyons/CEEE Economic Forecast

The University of Delaware’s Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE) invites all who are interested in what tomorrow’s economy will bring to attend the 2020 Economic Forecast on Monday, Feb. 10, 2020.

Presented by the CEEE in partnership with Lyons Companies, the forecast will address the most important economic issues of the coming year.

Featured speakers will include:

  • Patrick T. Harker, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, will be the keynote speaker.
  • Michael K. Farr, president and chief executive officer at Farr, Miller & Washington, LLC, will be a speaker and panelist.
  • Tracey Laws, senior vice president and general counsel for Global Government and Industry Affairs at Chubb, will be a speaker and panelist.
  • Nick Timiraos, national economic correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, will serve as the panel moderator.

The Economic Forecast moves to a new venue in 2020: the Audion in the Tower at Star Campus. Doors will open at 2:00 pm, followed by the presentation from 3:00 pm through 5:00 pm. A networking cocktail hour open to all attendees will follow the presentation.

Register now for the 2020 Economic Forecast.

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