Taylor Bond is expected to earn his MBA in finance from Lerner in 2025. He shared why he chose to continue his studies at Lerner, and specifically about his most impactful class in the program.
Lerner: Why did you go back to pursue your graduate degree? Why did you choose the Lerner College for your studies?
Bond: My undergraduate degree was in engineering and was what I needed for the early part of my career as a sales engineer. A few years ago, I obtained a new role in corporate sales, requiring a new set of skills. I began my MBA to close my knowledge gap and set myself up for future opportunities.
Lerner: What did you learn through this opportunity that you wouldn’t have learned anywhere else?
Bond: My educational background had no basis in finance. As I am now responsible for business management, forecasting, contracts, and more, this degree has been immensely helpful in my day-to-day role.
Lerner: Please share an example of a course or concept that you were able to apply directly to your life and/or career.
Bond: Learning how a company/merger/acquisition is evaluated gave me great insight on major shifts in my industry. I also really enjoyed learning how a company looks at the long-term value of an asset – this directly correlates to value selling techniques.
Lerner: Describe an important connection you have made through your graduate program (personal, professional, peers, mentors, professors, etc.)
Bond: An old friend of mine is taking this program at the same time. We work in very different fields and do not live close together, but we have both learned much from this program and each other over the last two years.
Lerner: If you were to describe your classmates in one word, what would that be and why?
Bond: YOUNG – looking back, I am so happy I did not pursue this MBA early in my career. I have gotten SO much more out of it due to my work experience.
Lerner: How do you balance your career with your studies?
Bond: Being very deliberate and intentional with my time.
Lerner: Fill in this sentence: “My graduate program helped me become…”
Bond: Well-rounded.
Lerner: What was the most impactful hands-on project or case competition that you were able to participate in?
Bond: The Modern Marketing (BUAD680) class was such an eye-opener in data driven marketing and how it can support a business. I was very impressed by this course and wish I had resources to take with me.
Lerner: What are your plans or next steps for the future?
Bond: I will utilize what I have learned here to continue to grow in my career and professional development. One day, I hope to be able to utilize this degree to obtain a part-time teaching role.