Lerner Graduate Student Stories: Greg Middlemas

Greg Middlemas lives in Hockessin, Delaware and works as digital marketing leader at CSC in addition to being an MBA candidate at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics. Middlemas, who plans to graduate in 2023, shared his experience choosing the Lerner MBA program and how it has impacted him both personally and professionally.

Lerner: Why did you go back to pursue your graduate degree? Why did you choose the Lerner College for your studies?

Middlemas: Working in marketing I am exposed to a lot of different aspects of business and have always wanted to learn more about them. I chose the Lerner College because it offered me the flexibility that I needed with young children and a full-time career.

Lerner: What did you learn through this opportunity that you wouldn’t have learned anywhere else?

Middlemas: I have learned that a diverse set of skills are required to lead a business: financial, operational, strategic, or behavioral skills all are needed to be effective.

Lerner: Please share an example of a course or concept that you were able to apply directly to your life and/or career.

Middlemas: One of the most interesting things that I have learned and was able to directly apply to my career was cognitive bias. Learning what they are, how to identify their influence, and ways to mitigate it has helped me tremendously.

Lerner: Describe an important connection you have made through your graduate program.

Middlemas: All of the professors that I have engaged with have been extremely helpful. There are high expectations from them but always with empathy and understanding.

Lerner: If you were to describe your classmates in one word, what would that be and why?

Middlemas: Driven.

Lerner: How do you balance your career with your studies?

Middlemas: With help. I have a very supporting family who helps and encourages me through it all.

Lerner: Fill in this sentence: “My graduate program helped me become…”

Middlemas: a better leader.

Lerner: What was the most impactful hands-on project or case competition that you were able to participate in?

Middlemas: I really enjoyed a simulation that I worked on for operational management in which we had to analyze certain market conditions and to properly control inventory. Coming from marketing, I have never really been exposed to this aspect of the business and it really helped me understand more about the different levers needed to properly run a business.

Lerner: What are your plans or next steps for the future?

Middlemas: To continue to learn and hone my leadership skills so that I can better help my teams grow and succeed.

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