Lerner Graduate Student Stories: Rafi Turitz-Sweifach

Rafi Turitz-Sweifach is pursuing a dual MBA and master of science in business analytics and information management and is a graduate intern for Lerner Deputy Dean Sheryl Kline. Turitz-Sweifach, who plans to graduate in 2024, shared why he continued his studies after earning an undergraduate degree from Lerner and what he plans to do in the future. 

Rafi Turitz-Sweifach, who resides in Newark, is pursuing a dual MBA and master of science in business analytics and information management and is a graduate intern for Lerner Deputy Dean Sheryl Kline. Turitz-Sweifach, who plans to graduate in 2024, shared why he continued his studies after earning an undergraduate degree from Lerner and what he plans to do in the future.

Lerner: Why did you go back to pursue your graduate degree? Why did you choose the Lerner College for your studies?

Turitz-Sweifach: I graduated from Lerner with an honors bachelor of science in economics in the spring of 2022. I was interested in jumpstarting my professional career by gaining two valuable master’s degrees. I specifically chose Lerner because I had a great undergraduate experience, I am a proud Blue Hen, and I was truly impressed by the skills I could gain through both degrees that I am now pursuing!

Lerner: What did you learn through this opportunity that you wouldn’t have learned anywhere else?

Turitz-Sweifach: I learned a lot about time management and keeping myself motivated while producing high-quality work. Between a 20-hour per week internship and a course load of 16 credits in the fall and 15 credits in the spring, I had to learn how to use my time wisely to balance my academic and professional commitments while maintaining a quality of work that I can be proud of.

Lerner: Please share an example of a course or concept that you were able to apply directly to your life and/or career.

Turitz-Sweifach: In the fall, I took MISY604, Database Design and Implementation, in which I learned a lot about the realm of databases which I had never previously explored. Through the course, I was able to learn how to use SQL and within weeks of finishing the course, I was able to confidently apply to data analysis-related internships I would have never felt comfortable applying to before. I am excited to take more courses that teach technical skills so that I can continue to bolster my credentials as a competitive applicant!

Lerner: Describe an important connection you have made through your graduate program.

Turitz-Sweifach: Through my graduate program, I have formed particularly valuable relationships with Assistant Professor of Operations Management Caroline Swift and Professor of MIS Andrea Everard, both of whom I consider not only mentors but friends as well. The ability to create these deep and long-lasting relationships has been a true highlight of my graduate career so far and I look forward to continuing this aspect of my time in Lerner.

Lerner: If you were to describe your classmates in one word, what would that be and why?

Turitz-Sweifach: Driven. I have been truly astounded by how accomplished and highly motivated my classmates are. It has been incredibly inspiring and personally motivating to be around such amazing people!

Lerner: How do you balance your career with your studies?

Turitz-Sweifach: Learning to prioritize my most important tasks, actively communicate with others, especially when I am particularly busy, and find time to relax and decompress to feel energized to consistently create high quality work are all tactics I’ve used to balance my career and studies.

Lerner: Fill in this sentence: “My graduate program helped me become…”

Turitz-Sweifach:  A more well-rounded and knowledgeable businessperson.

Lerner: What was the most impactful hands-on project or case competition that you were able to participate in?

Turitz-Sweifach:  The most impactful hands-on project that I completed occurred in MISY604. I was able to work with a group of other students to create a database, starting with a conceptual model and eventually forward engineering it to a functional database, populating it with data, and using SQL to query the database to find answers to various questions. I found it to be a very meaningful project that I could be proud of!

Lerner: What are your plans or next steps for the future?

Turitz-Sweifach: While I still have another year left before I graduate, I hope to gain internship experience specifically in the realm of data analytics, and I look forward to pursuing a career within the spaces of analytics, management, and their intersection.

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