Lerner International Student Association

Xinrui Fan poses with a fall background.

Students at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics have almost 30 unique student groups that they can choose to join. In each installment of this series, an executive member of one of these student groups will share their first-hand experience choosing, participating in and eventually leading their group.

Xinrui Fan, Class of 2020 international business student, is the vice president of cultural and social adaptation for the Lerner International Student Association (L.I.S.A.) at the Lerner College. Fan shared why she joined Lerner International Student Association, what makes this group unique and more!


When and why did you choose to join this student group?

Fan: I am interested in working with people from different nations and cultures. After learning that L.I.S.A. could provide more opportunities to work with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, I decided to join this group.


What is the mission of your student group?

Fan: Our student group aims at bringing together international students from the Lerner College. It supports this particular group that is large in number and comes with a unique set of needs. The organization strives for making it easier for Lerner international students to adjust to their new journey in the U.S. It welcomes international students from all years at both the undergraduate and graduate level.


What is your best memory from this student group?

Fan: The best memory for me is when we successfully held an ice cream, which was my first task after I joined the group.


What is unique about your student group?

Fan: Our student group understand show to assist Lerner international students to adjust to the new journey in the U.S. Most of members in our student group come from different countries and for some of them it is their first time living in a new nation for such a long period. They really require someone who already has had a similar experiences to assist them and help them to adjust to the new environment.


What has been your proudest moment leading your student group?

Fan: The proudest moment for me is the time when our group planned the ice cream social activity together and everyone in the group finished their task perfectly.


What are your goals for the future of your student group?

Fan: I hope that our student group can hold more activities for the international students or collaborate with other groups to plan strategy and executive activities for Lerner international students.


How has your student group helped you grow?

Fan: In this group, there are many people who are passionate about their life and work. I have really gained many good experiences from them. Our group members are glad to share their experiences with me and have given me some excellent recommendations. In addition, I am becoming more confident and positive after joining the group. 


The Lerner International Students Association has hundreds of members and meets during their events during the semester.

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