Lifelong Lerner: Coleson Weir

oleson Weir, a member of UD’s Lerner Class of 2022, shared his favorite UD memories, how he has grown during his time at UD and his plans following graduation.

As a member of the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics’ Class of 2022, Coleson Weir, a honors mathematics and economics major with minors in political science and theatre studies from Naples, Florida, has not had the typical student experience at UD due to the coronavirus pandemic. Weir, and his entire class, have shown incredible resilience, maturity and spirit while adjusting to the many unexpected changes that they have encountered as students. Each installment of this series will profile an outstanding member of this class, showcasing their achievements, experiences at UD and what it means to be a Blue Hen.



Weir was nominated for this series by UD Professor of Economics Adrienne Lucas, who said, “Coleson is a brilliant, self-starter, who is also a wonderful student to have in class and very generous in sharing his time and insights with his classmates.”


In this profile, Weir shared his favorite UD memories, how he has changed during his time at UD and his plans following graduation.



Lerner: How have you grown from your freshman year at UD to now?


Weir: I have grown a lot since my freshman year at UD. There have been a lot of downsides to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but one positive take away for me is that I have learned to be a lot more comfortable with change. Throughout all of the uncertainty of the pandemic, I have had a strong group of friends that have acted as a support system for me. Through UD, I learned the importance of having this support system to lean on in times of need.



Lerner: Were you involved in any extracurricular activities? If so, how did they shape your experience at UD?


Weir: I am involved with the Harrington Theatre Arts Company (HTAC). HTAC allowed me to express myself through theatre and was a much needed break from academic work throughout my college career. HTAC is a community of people that support and want to see each other succeed. It has become a necessary support system at UD for me. HTAC also provided me with experiences that I did not expect to have following high school such as directing and tech directing musicals. I am forever grateful for the community and experiences that HTAC has provided me!



Lerner: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?


Weir: To me, being a Lifetime Lerner means to never stop learning and asking questions. We should ask probing questions to get at the heart of a problem and work to find a solution.



Lerner: What was the most memorable course that you took at Lerner?



Weir: My most memorable course that I took at Lerner was named Topics in Development Economics with Professor Adrienne Lucas. We read numerous research papers on different developing nations and on different topics such as education and health in these countries. This course taught me so much content and helped develop my ability to think about economics research questions and how to solve them. This class really prepared me for further graduate studies and I am very thankful for Professor Lucas and this course!




Lerner: What was your favorite UD experience?



Weir: My favorite experience at UD was Resident Assistant training camp during my first year as an RA. We did a lot of team building activities and ropes courses that helped us bond. That one weekend created friendships that will last a lifetime. I could not be more grateful for the friends I made through this position.



Lerner: What are your plans following graduation?


Weir: I am also in the 4+1 program and will be graduating with my master’s in economics and applied econometrics this year as well. I will be attending the University of Notre Dame next year to pursue my Ph.D. in economics.

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