Lifelong Lerner: Namita Bhanot Ajmer

Collage of two images of Namita Bhanot

As a member of the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics’ Class of 2020, Namita Bhanot Ajmer from Rajasthan, India has not had the typical final semester or commencement at UD due to the coronavirus outbreak. She, and her entire class, have shown incredible resilience, maturity and spirit while adjusting to the many unexpected changes that they have encountered.


Bhanot Ajmer was nominated for this series by UD Donald J. Puglisi Professor of Finance and chairperson of the Department of Finance Laura Field, who said, “Namita is the most engaged student I have met here at UD. She was always ready to participate in class discussions, it was clear she was paying attention and she was genuinely curious—wanted to learn. She came to office hours and even offered to collect data for me. She’s truly a wonderful person.


In this profile, Bhanot Ajmer, a master of science in finance graduate, shared her favorite UD memories, how she has changed during her time at UD and her plans following graduation.


Q: How do you think you have changed from your first semester at UD to now?


Bhanot Ajmer: My experiences and interactions with classmates, faculty and the UD community enriched me as a person. While pursuing the master’s program at UD I met wonderful people who believed in me. They inspired me and changed my life forever. Now I am more than determined to achieve my goals and treat every challenge as an opportunity to prove myself.


Q: What is your favorite place at UD? 


Bhanot Ajmer: My favorite place at UD was the classroom at Lerner. Each course offered me a unique opportunity to acquire new skills and engage myself with experts in the field. Every lecture and presentation was an exciting journey into the unknown, interesting and gripping. I always looked forward to classes and participation in class activities.


Q: What is the most memorable course that you took at Lerner?


Bhanot Ajmer: International Financial Management taught by Dr. Laura Field was my favorite course. Dr. Laura Field gave us an insight into the foreign exchange markets and helped understand how the world economy is intertwined. What made the course even more interesting was her participative style of teaching. As an international student, I could easily relate to foreign businesses in my home country and share my experiences with the class. This course will stay etched in my memory forever.


Q: What was your favorite signature UD experience?


Bhanot Ajmer: My favorite experience was the orientation program for all international students hosted in Fall 2018. I met my faculty and future classmates during this event. That was our first meeting and we built strong relationships as we worked together in the program. 


Q: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?


Bhanot Ajmer: I feel honored and privileged to be part of the UD community. I have fostered lifelong relationships with my peers, faculty and the UD community and will continue to engage with them even after completing my education. Joining UD was the beginning of a new chapter in my life and the story will never end.


Q: What are your plans following graduation?

Bhanot Ajmer: I believe that information technology coupled with a master’s in finance will be a great fit for a career in finance. I have been accepted into the master’s program in information systems and technology management at UD and hope to join this program in Fall 2020.

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