MAEEE Alumni Highlights: John Kruggel

John Kruggel, MAEEE class of 2018,  is the director of the James Madison University Center for Economic Education, where he has been recognized with the Albert Beekhuis Award from the Council for Economic Education and the Southern Business Administration Association’s Societal Impact Award. He shared what he learned from his MAEEE experience and how it impacted his career.

What exciting news or accomplishments have you been a part of?
Recently, I was awarded the Albert Beekhuis Award from the Council for Economic Education and won the Southern Business Administration Association’s Societal Impact Award for the work we do at the JMU Center. I was also named the 2023 NAEE Rising Star and serve as the Center Representative on the NAEE Executive Board and the CEE National Advisory Council. I also am a member of writing teams for Eco-Economics: Energy and the Environment, and Ethics, Economics and Social Issues collections on EconEdLink.

Why is this news valuable to your colleagues or educators considering the MAEEE program?
The MAEEE program set me on a successful path in economic education and provided me with the skills necessary to run a successful center.

What did you learn through your MAEEE experience that you wouldn’t have learned anywhere else?
I gained invaluable experience and mentorship from some of the top leaders in economic education. The program is tailored to prepare participants for highly specialized careers. The mentorship and guidance received from field leaders helped me hit the ground running in economic education.

Describe an important connection you have made through your graduate program.
My cohort remains very close, and we continue to collaborate. Members of my cohort now work for the Federal Reserve and various universities, and we frequently reach out to each other for advice on best practices, teaching methods, and content issues.

If you were to describe your classmates in one word, what would that be and why?
Family. Our cohort continues to maintain a strong bond, and we support each other personally and professionally.

The MAEEE graduate program helped me become…
…a better teacher, presenter, and advocate for economic education.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
I was recently featured on the podcast Econ Happy Hour, where I discussed my work running a center and the impact the MAEEE program has had on my career. I mention the program’s influence on my journey in economic education.
Listen to the podcast here


Save the Date: 2025 Lyons UD CEEE Economic Forecast on Feb. 27

Curious about what the future holds for our economy? Don’t miss your chance to get ahead of the curve at the University of Delaware’s 2025 Economic Forecast. Join us on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, from 3-5 p.m. at the Audion in the Tower at UD’s STAR Campus for an inside...