Carlos J. Asarta
Title Bank of America Professor of Business, James B. O’Neill Director – CEEE
Office 591 FinTech Innovation Hub
Biography Biography
Carlos J. Asarta is the James B. O’Neill Director of the Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (CEEE). A tenured professor in the Department of Economics, Asarta also serves as the University’s Faculty Athletics Representative. Carlos holds master’s and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His scholarly work focuses on the areas of economic education, technology in the classroom and financial literacy. His research has been published in academic journals such as The Internet and Higher Education, AEA Papers and Proceedings, Journal of Economic Education, Academy of Management Learning & Education and Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. Dr. Asarta is the recipient of several teaching, service and research awards including the Henry H. Villard Research Award from the National Association of Economic Educators, the Lerner College Outstanding Outreach/Service Award from the University of Delaware and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska Outstanding Educator of the Year Award.
Asarta is the author of Principles of Economics (McGraw-Hill), a “digital-first” product offering the same core content found in mainstream textbooks but in a way that breaks free from the constraints of a traditional textbook’s structure and format. Carlos is a member of the Society of Economic Educators, President of the Delaware Council on Economic Education and editor-in-chief of The American Economist.
- Ph.D. in economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007
- M.A. in economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004
- B.S.B.A. in economics and international business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001
Select Publications
- “Why are Schools Reclassifying Their Economics Major?” with D. Mahon. 2024. Eastern Economic Journal, 50(1): 103-116.
- “Factors Contributing to the Use of References to Diversity, Inclusion, and Gender Issues in Undergraduate Economics Courses: Findings from the Sixth National ‘Chalk and Talk’ Survey,” with L. Ahlstrom and C. Harter. 2024. Journal of Education for Business, 99(3): 164-174.
- “Student Engagement and Interaction in the Economics Classroom: Essentials for the Novice Economic Educator.” 2024. Journal of Economic Education, 55(1): 54-62.
- “
The Lived Experiences of Top Women Contributors to Leading Economic Education Journals,” with Z. Ferrara. 2023. The American Economist, 68(1): 110-125.
- “Teaching Methods and Materials in Undergraduate Economics Courses: School, Instructor, and Department Effects,” with L. Ahlstrom and C. Harter. 2023. International Review of Economics Education, 44(2023): 100270.
- “Teaching Methods in Undergraduate Introductory Economics Courses: Results from a Sixth National Quinquennial Survey,” with R. Chambers and C. Harter. 2021. The American Economist, 66(1): 18-28.
- “The Effects of Online and Blended Experience on Outcomes in a Blended Learning Environment,” with J. Schmidt. 2020. The Internet and Higher Education, 44(2020): 1-10. Article 100708.
- “The Gender Gap in Undergraduate Economics Course Persistence and Degree Selection,” with L. Ahlstrom. 2019. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109: 255-260.
- “Business and Management Education Research: Developing and Assessing Research Streams Using Legitimation Code Theory,” with B. Arbaugh, S. Charlier, C. Fornaciari, and A. Hwang. 2019. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(3): 433-456.
- “Comparing Student Performance in Blended and Traditional Courses: Does Prior Academic Achievement Matter?” with J. Schmidt. 2017. The Internet and Higher Education, 32(2017): 29-38.
- “Perspectives on Evaluation in Financial Education: Landscape, Issues, and Studies,” with W. Walstad, E. Breitbach, W. Bosshardt, J. Heath, B. O’Neill, C. Urban, J. Wagner, and J.J. Xiao. 2017. Journal of Economic Education, 48(2): 93-112.
- “The Choice of Reduced Seat Time in a Blended Course,” with J. Schmidt. 2015. The Internet and Higher Education, 27(2015): 24-31.
- “The Features and Effectiveness of the Keys to Financial Success Curriculum,” with Hill and B. Meszaros. 2014. International Review of Economics Education, 16(1): 39-50.
- “Access Patterns of Online Materials in a Blended Course,” with J. Schmidt. 2013. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 11(1): 107-123.
- “The Discouraged-Business-Major Hypothesis Revisited: Could Economics be the Encouraged-Business-Major?” with R. Butters. 2012. Journal of Economic Education, 43(1): 19-32.
Awards & Honors
- Most Valuable Professor (’22), University of Delaware Athletics
- Latino/Hispanic Heritage Impact Award, Honorable Mention (’22), University of
Delaware Latino/Hispanic Heritage Caucus.
- Phil Saunders Best Economic Education Paper Award (’20), National Association of Economic Educators (NAEE)
- Henry H. Villard Research Award (’19), NAEE
- Lerner College Outstanding Outreach/Service Award (’19), University of Delaware
- Abbejean Kehler Technology Award (’16), NAEE and the Council for Economic Education (CEE)
- Product of the Year (’16), McGraw-Hill Higher Education
- Global Forum Best Paper Award (’16), Management Education and Development Division of the Academy of Management
- Lerner College Outstanding Teacher Award (’15), University of Delaware
- Outstanding Educator of the Year Award (’13,’09), Association of Students of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL)
- Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students (’13,’12,’11,’10,’09), UNL Parents Association and UNL Teaching Council
- Excellence in Teaching Award (’13,’08), UNL College of Business Administration (CBA)
- Rising Star Award (’12), NAEE and CEE
- Phillip Saunders Best Research Paper Award (’11), CEE
- Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year (’06), UNL CBA
Curriculum Vitae
View Carlos J. Asarta’s CV (PDF)