Michael J. Jung

Title Associate Professor of Accounting, Program Director - M.S. Accounting
Email mjung@nospam67c7cde639f46.udel.edu
Office 221 Purnell Hall


Michael Jung joined the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics as an associate professor of accounting in July 2019. Previously, he spent eight years at New York University’s Stern School of Business and one year as a visitor at University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. He has taught introductory and intermediate financial accounting to undergraduate and MBA students for over 14 years.

His published research is in the areas of corporate disclosure and social media, institutional investors, and sell-side/buy-side analysts. Jung’s peer-reviewed articles have been published in top-tier journals including Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research and Review of Accounting Studies.

Prior to joining academia, Jung worked as a sell-side equity analyst with SG Cowen Securities and a restructuring/bankruptcy consultant with Ernst & Young, and his industry certifications include the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) designation. He earned a bachelor of science in civil engineering from U.C. Berkeley, an MBA in finance from NYU, and a PhD in applied economics (focus in accounting) from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • Ph.D. in accounting, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School
  • MBA in finance, New York University, Stern School of Business
  • B.S. in civil engineering, University of California at Berkeley, College of Engineering

Select Publications

  • Hu, G., M. J. Jung, M. H. F. Wong, D. B. Yu, and X. F. Zhang. (2024). Do Buy-side Analysts in Earnings Conference Calls Manipulate Stock Price? Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.
  • Jung, M. J., K. Y. Kwon, and H. Park. (2024). Does High-Frequency Trading Cause Stock Prices to Deviate from Fundamental Values? Accounting and Business Research, 54(5): 580-613.
  • Chen, J., M. J. Jung, M. Tang. (2023). Does Lowball Guidance Work? An Analysis of Firms That Consistently Beat Their Guidance by Large Margins. The British Accounting Review, 55(6): 101219.
  • Hamm, S.J.K., Jung, M.J., & Park, M. (2021). Corporate Venture Capital, Disclosure, and Financial Reporting. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 29(6), 541-566.
  • Bozanic, Z., J. Chen, and M.J. Jung. (2019). Analyst Contrarianism. Journal of Financial Reporting, 4(2), 61-88.
  • Jung, M.J., J. Keeley, and J. Ronen. (2019). The Predictability of Analysts Forecast Revisions. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 34(3): 434-457.
  • Jung, M.J., J. Naughton, A. Tahoun, and C. Wang. (2018). Do Firms Strategically Disseminate? Evidence from Corporate Use of Social Media. The Accounting Review, 93(4), 225-252.
  • Jung, M.J., M.H.F. Wong, and X.F. Zhang. (2018). Buy-Side Analysts and Earnings Conference Calls. Journal of Accounting Research, 56(3), 913-952.
  • Bushee, B.J., M.J. Jung, G.S. Miller. (2017). Do Investors Benefit from Selective Access to Management? Journal of Financial Reporting, 2(1), 31-61.
  • Chen, J., M.J. Jung, and J. Ronen. (2017). The Confirmation Effect of Analyst Recommendation Reiterations. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 32(4), 576-592.
  • Chen, J., and M.J. Jung. (2016). Activist Hedge Funds and Firm Disclosure. Review of Financial Economics, 29, 52-63.
  • Jung, M.J., M.H.F. Wong, & X.F. Zhang. (2015). Analyst Interest as an Early Indicator of Firm Fundamental Changes and Stock Returns. The Accounting Review, 90(3), 1049-1078.
  • Hamm, S.J.W., M.J. Jung, & C. Wang. (2015). Making Sense of One Dollar CEO Salaries. Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(3), 941-972.
  • Jung, M.J. (2013). Investor Overlap and Diffusion of Disclosure Practices. Review of Accounting Studies, 18(1), 167-206.
  • Bushee, B.J., M.J. Jung, G.S. Miller. (2011). Conference Presentations and the Disclosure Milieu. Journal of Accounting Research, 49(5), 1163-1192.

Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, The Accounting Review, 2024
  • Best Paper Award, Cal. State Fullerton / Haskell & White Conference, 2018
  • AAA FARS Outstanding Discussion Award, 2018
  • AAA FARS Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2017-2018
  • Deloitte Foundation Doctoral Fellow, 2009
  • Robert R. Nathan Memorial Foundation Doctoral Fellow, 2009
  • AAA/Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2009
  • The Wharton School Fellowship for Doctoral Studies, 2006-2010

Curriculum Vitae

Download Michael Jung’s CV (PDF)