Alpha Kappa Psi

Jesse Alba smiles at the camera with a fall setting behind him.

Students at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics have almost 30 unique student groups that they can choose to join. In each installment of this series, an executive member of one of these student groups will share their first-hand experience choosing, participating in and eventually leading their group.

Jesse Alba, Class of 2020 finance major, is the president of Alpha Kappa Psi at the Lerner College. Alba shared why he joined Alpha Kappa Psi, what makes this group unique and more!


When and why did you choose to join this student group?

Alba: I joined in the Fall of 2016 because I wanted to surround myself with like-minded individuals interested in the Financial Services Industry.


What is the mission of your student group?

Alba: To instill our fraternity’s core values of brotherhood, unity, integrity, service and knowledge in each and every one of our brothers.


What is your best memory from this student group?

Alba: Receiving a bid to join the fraternity and meeting some of my closest friends.


What is unique about your student group?

Alba: We are a co-ed professional business fraternity, which in and of itself is unique. However, to go a step further, we have brothers with incredibly diverse backgrounds that all contribute to a collaborative environment that allows our brothers to find their place on campus.


What has been your proudest moment leading your student group?

Alba: Seeing brothers come together to raise substantial amount of money for great causes such as UDance.


What are your goals for the future of your student group?

Alba: To provide our members with more and more opportunities to grow personally and professionally, beyond what is offered in the classroom.


How has your student group helped you grow?

Alba: By allowing me to feel like I have a “home” on campus and introducing me to opportunities both on and off campus that I otherwise would have never been aware of.


Alpha Kappa Psi has meets meets every Monday at 9:15 pm at Kirkbride Hall.

Save the Date: 2025 Lyons UD CEEE Economic Forecast on Feb. 27

Curious about what the future holds for our economy? Don’t miss your chance to get ahead of the curve at the University of Delaware’s 2025 Economic Forecast. Join us on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, from 3-5 p.m. at the Audion in the Tower at UD’s STAR Campus for an inside...