Lifelong Lerner: Alexis Sheehan

As a member of the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics’ Class of 2021, Alexis Sheehan, a finance and financial planning and wealth management double major from Pearl River, New York has not had the typical final year or commencement at UD due to the coronavirus outbreak. She, and her entire class, have shown incredible resilience, maturity and spirit while adjusting to the many unexpected changes that they have encountered.


Sheehan was nominated for this series by UD adjunct professor Howland Redding, who said, “Alexis was a top student in real estate finance with outstanding grades on all tests and assignments. What really stood out about Alexis was her work ethic throughout the semester. She turned in all her assignments a few days early, and I could tell she was consistently working ahead because she wanted to learn more. I have no doubt Alexis’s conscientiousness will be a key to her future success.”


In this profile, Sheehan shared her favorite UD memories, how she has changed during her time at UD and her plans following graduation.


Lerner: How do you think you have changed from your first semester at UD to now?


Sheehan: I have matured so much over my past four years here. College really forced me to grow up and shaped me into who I am today. I am satisfied with the personal growth I’ve made and hope that growth transpires into my career choice. I cannot thank the friends I have met here at UD enough for all the lifelong memories I’ve made.


Lerner: What is your favorite place at UD?


Sheehan: My favorite place at UD, believe it or not, would have to be Lane Hall. Lane Hall is one of the oldest dorm buildings on east campus, but it is also the place where I met some of my best friends and the girls that will be by my side forever.  Whether it was laying on the Harrington Turf outside or making late night trips to the POD, the freshman year UD experience was unmatched in so many ways.


Lerner: What is the most memorable course that you took at Lerner?


Sheehan: The most memorable course I took in college would have to be the financial planning capstone course I took with Rich Jakotowicz.  He is one of the most intelligent professors I’ve had here at UD and he knew the business world well. Although I took this course during the semester COVID-19 hit, he did a great job of transitioning to the online format. He challenged us in so many ways and I learned a lot from his teaching style.  At the end of the day, there is no such thing as GPAs in the real world. Hard work and dedication are what pay off.


Lerner: What was your favorite signature UD experience?


Sheehan: My favorite UD experience would have to be parents’ weekend junior year when all of my friends’ family’s got together and tailgated for the football game. It was an extremely fun day for everyone involved. Cornhole, BBLerner and games galore!


Lerner: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?


Sheehan: A “Lifelong Lerner” signifies the bond that all Delaware Blue Hens, near and far, have to share. It means staying connected with your alma mater and being a good resource to future students who pass through the school of business. I hope to find success in my career field and become a mentor for these baby Blue Hens in the future.


Lerner: What are your plans following graduation?


Sheehan: Following graduation, I will be working full time with a financial planning company in New York City known as Capital Management Group of New York.  I am grateful to have this opportunity right out of college and cannot wait to get started!

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