Lifelong Lerner: Charles Chifamba

Charles Chifamba Photo

A native of Harare, Zimbabwe, Charles Chifamba graduated from the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics with a master’s degree in business analytics and information management.

Chifamba was nominated for this series by Academic Program Coordinator Sarah Dix, who said, “Charles has been an active member of UD’s community bringing together domestic and international students. Charles played an active role on the MS BAIM graduate student association board helping to create events and experiences for students that made impactful changes in their lives. Charles inspires other students with his positivity and has always made himself available to students, faculty, and staff if a helping hand was/is needed. Charles is an inspiring Blue Hen and has juggled his life on campus with GA positions, internships and maintaining a near perfect GPA!”

In this profile Chifamba shared his favorite UD memories, how he has changed during his time at UD and his plans following graduation.

Lerner: How do you think you have changed from your first semester at UD to now?

Chifamba: Since joining UD, my personal and professional growth has been remarkable. My networking abilities have flourished, my self-confidence has improved, and my belief in my capabilities has been strengthened. I now exude a newfound assurance in my skills, thanks to the valuable experiences and opportunities I’ve encountered along this journey.

Securing an internship with Christiana Care through the Lerner Graduate Internship Program marked a turning point in my career, offering invaluable real-world experience that propelled my professional growth. Moreover, being honored with a scholarship from Alteryx, credited to my dashboard design class, elevated my life beyond my wildest dreams. The University of Delaware not only provided me with the opportunity to study in the United States but also enabled me to achieve one of my lifelong objectives. As I graduate, I stand as a person ready to conquer the world.

Lerner: What have been some of the challenges you have faced during your college experience and how did you overcome them?

Chifamba: Initially, acclimating to life in Delaware presented its share of challenges. Transitioning to a new environment and country required a period of adjustment. Securing an internship proved to be another hurdle I needed to overcome. Fortunately, with the support of my friends and family, the Lerner College career team, and my lecturers, I was able to navigate these obstacles and settle in more smoothly and swiftly. I overcame these obstacles by asking the right questions, doing more research because information is power, and lastly I volunteered and made lifelong connections this way.

Lerner: What was your favorite signature UD experience and why? 

Chifamba: One of my most cherished pastimes was attending sports events, particularly football matches, and engaging in competitive basketball games at the Little Bob gym. Not only did these games help me stay fit, but they also provided an avenue for clearing my mind and forging new friendships. Additionally, serving as the marketing director for the BAIM Graduate Association was a thrilling experience that equipped me with valuable leadership qualities while allowing me to contribute to the well-being of fellow students.

Lerner: Did you have a Lerner professor or staff member that had a big impact on your UD experience? 

Chifamba: While every lecturer in my program made an impact, like Dr. Ryan Rodalunas for a very detailed project management class, and Mr. Anatoliy Anguelov for an excellent dashboard and storytelling class, Dr. Andrea Everard and Sarah Dix hold a uniquely special place in my heart. Their guidance went beyond academics; they nurtured me like a son, ensuring I adjusted well and took steps towards realizing my dreams. Their open door policy and willingness to share vulnerabilities with students deepened my trust in them. 

Lerner: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?

Chifamba: To me, being a Lifelong Lerner means more than just a school affiliation; it signifies a commitment to community and a dedication to paying it forward. I plan to return as a mentor, sharing my experiences with fellow students and giving back through my time and efforts. I recognize the responsibility I bear in the real world and aim to ensure that wherever I go, others will appreciate the caliber of education and skills instilled by the Lerner College.

Lerner: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their college experience?

Chifamba: Dare to step beyond your comfort zone and embrace challenges that push your boundaries. Network actively and don’t hesitate to seek help, you will be amazed by the support waiting for you. Additionally, make the most of your time by learning new skills, yet remember to prioritize rest and safeguard your mental well-being as you pursue your aspirations.

Lerner: What are your plans following graduation?

Chifamba: For me, my path forward involves leveraging my analytical skills to serve healthcare organizations dedicated to community well-being and enhancing healthcare access. Alongside this commitment, I hold a dream of contributing to a sports organization, confident that I will see it come to fruition in due time. My aim is to enable positive change within communities and organizations, delivering tangible value wherever I go. With a bright smile and an unwaveringly positive attitude, my lifelong mission is to cultivate continuous happiness in all that I do.

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