Lifelong Lerner: Olena Berchuk

Olena Berchuk photo

As a member of the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics’ class of 2024, Olena Berchuk, economics Ph.D. from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, has thoroughly demonstrated her excellence and dedication during her time at UD.

Berchuk was nominated for this series by Professor of Economics, Chairperson Adrienne Lucas and Assistant Professor of Economics Kathryn Bender.

In this profile, Berchuk shares her favorite UD memories, how she has changed during her time at UD and her plans following graduation.

Lerner: How do you think you have changed from your first semester at UD to now?

Berchuk: When I first started at UD, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it all the way to actually defending my dissertation. There were so many steps and it was daunting to imagine going through all of them and their accompanying challenges. But, I did it! And over these past 5 years,  I have gotten to really know myself and have gained confidence in who I am, the future goals I want to set, and how to attain them. 

Lerner: What have been some of the challenges you have faced during your college experience and how did you overcome them?

Berchuk: The research process in writing all the chapters of my dissertation has by far been the most difficult challenge — my main job market paper had issues first with getting the data I needed and then with actually finding meaningful results. I ended up needing to change my topic entirely, which left me with a lot less time before I had to present my work at job market talks. Changing gears and starting from scratch to focus on a completely different topic was difficult and certainly took a lot of work, but I am thrilled with how my research ultimately turned out.  

Lerner: What was your favorite signature UD experience and why? 

Berchuk: I loved my department’s happy hour meet ups! It was a great way to chat with fellow students that I didn’t share classes with and faculty in a more relaxed environment over lunch. 

Lerner: Did you have a Lerner professor or staff member that had a big impact on your UD experience? 

Berchuk: My advisor, Dr. Adrienne Lucas, has been an incredible help for me throughout this whole time. She has always been quick to respond to any questions I have and provided me with insightful guidance at every point of the research process. 

Lerner: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?

Berchuk: I have always loved learning — the reason I kept pursuing a higher degree is mostly because I continue to enjoy it so much! Being a “Lifelong Lerner” to me means never losing your curiosity and keeping an open mind to anything new you come across. I believe you can learn something from everyone, even if it’s the tiniest tidbit of knowledge. Compiling this over a lifetime of experiences and meeting new people means you are always learning and life can never grow dull!

Lerner: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their college experience?

Berchuck: I recommend not being afraid to reach out to others and work together on things. It can be tempting to want to get everything done yourself, but especially in grad school, I have learned that your peers can be an invaluable resource. And be sure to take advantage of professors’ office hours! They’re arranged specifically to help you and I have found that professors are always happy to talk, whether to help you in your coursework or offer guidance in general.  

Lerner: What are your plans following graduation?

Berchuk: I will be teaching economics courses as an assistant professor here at UD starting this fall. I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to stay here a bit longer and am looking forward to meeting my students!

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