Lifelong Lerner: Zachary Seymour

Zachary Seymour Photo

A native of Brookeville, Maryland, Zachary Seymour graduated from the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics as an economics major with double minors in business analytics and political science.

Seymour was nominated for this series by UD Assistant Professor of Economics Kathryn Bender. 

In this profile Seymour shares his favorite UD memories, how he has changed during his time at UD and his plans following graduation.

Lerner: How do you think you have changed from your first semester at UD to now?

Seymour: I have definitely matured since my first semester at UD. The change that I see the most is an increased appetite for not necessarily comfortable situations. This has allowed me to take advantage of opportunities that I would have 100% been too scared to attempt in my freshman year. 

Lerner: What have been some of the challenges you have faced during your college experience and how did you overcome them?

Seymour: I would say that getting overwhelmed by work was a large struggle for me, especially when starting both of my minors. The switch to simply having a lot of different schedules that I had to manage was difficult; however, the key of a less stressed time at UD is organization. 

Lerner: What was your favorite signature UD experience and why? 

Seymour: My favorite signature UD experience was on I <3 UD day my junior year. It was signing the class banner, eating food and just enjoying being on the green with friends surrounded by people at the school.

Lerner: Did you have a Lerner professor or staff member that had a big impact on your UD experience? 

Seymour: The professor who had the largest impact on my time at UD was without a doubt Dr. Kathryn Bender. Though I did not take her class, I joined a team of students for a case competition where Dr. Bender was the faculty advisor, and since then she has been an amazing resource and ally at Lerner. She has advocated for myself and other students to create opportunities for ourselves and other undergraduate students that we wanted, and did not balk at doing whatever she could to help us. 

Lerner: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?

Seymour: To me, being a “Lifelong Lerner” is a commitment to be open and receptive to the community around you. A Lifelong Lerner will continue to further their education and knowledge, and strive to share it with those following the same path. 

Lerner: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their college experience?

Seymour: My advice would be to stray from your comfort zone and take opportunities as they come to you. The things that you will create the most memories and learning experiences from are the things you would not have guessed you would do. 

Lerner: What are your plans following graduation?

Seymour: I have been accepted by the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Masters of Science in Business Analytics program. I will be starting my graduate studies in Fall 2024.

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