Hens of Wall Street

Students at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics have almost 30 unique student groups that they can choose to join. In each installment of this series, an executive member of one of these student groups will share their first-hand experience choosing, participating in and eventually leading their group.


Matthew Cooper, Class of 2023 finance major with a minor in business analytics, is the president of Hens of Wall Street at the Lerner College. Cooper shared why he joined Hens of Wall Street, what makes this group unique and more!


Lerner: When and why did you choose to join this student group?

Cooper: I started this club because I wanted to provide students who want to work on Wall Street with an opportunity to network with professionals on Wall Street. Through my own personal networking efforts, I have learned a tremendous amount from speaking with different people and ultimately thought that this club would benefit other students as well.

Lerner: What is the mission/goal of your student group?

Cooper: Our mission is to connect students with professionals to help them build their networks and figure out what they want to do after college. We also provide workshops that include cover letter and resume rewrites.

Lerner: When and where does your student group meet and approximately how many members do you have?

Cooper: We meet via Zoom twice a month on Thursdays at seven. We currently have 23 members.


Lerner: What is your best memory from this student group?

Cooper: Our first meeting of course!


Lerner: What is unique about your student group?

Cooper: We are a group of hardworking students who care about their professional life.


Lerner: What has been your proudest moment leading your student group?

Cooper: Seeing everyone be committed to showing up to our club meetings.


Lerner: What are your goals for the future of your student group?

Cooper: Help each student land an internship.


Lerner: How has your student group helped you grow?

Cooper: I have been able to learn how to lead a group of students and learn how to conduct a meeting.

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