Lerner Student Advisory Board

Katie Reilly smiles for the camera with a fall background.

Students at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics have almost 30 unique student groups that they can choose to join. In each installment of this series, an executive member of one of these student groups will share their first-hand experience choosing, participating in and eventually leading their group.

Katie Reilly, Class of 2020 marketing major with a minor in advertising, is a board member of the Lerner Student Advisory Board (LSAB) at the Lerner College. Reilly shared why she joined LSAB, what makes this group unique and more!


When and why did you choose to join this student group?

Reilly: I decided to join LSAB my first year because I wanted to get more involved in the business school. Being a marketing major, I figured I would be spending a great deal of my time at Lerner and I wanted to give back to something that would be giving me so much over the course of the next four years.


What is the mission of your student group?

Reilly: Striving to improve academic quality, professional experience, extracurricular enrichment and student satisfaction for the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics.


What is your best memory from this student group?

Reilly: We went to a trampoline park at the end of my junior year for team bonding. That was a ton of fun. But I think my favorite memory was when we got to have a meeting with Lerner College Dean Bruce Weber. It was a really cool experience for an undergrad student like me because we got to go into one of the fancier conference rooms. He really made us all feel like our voices mattered and he wanted to hear the feedback we had for him.


What is unique about your student group?

Reilly: I think the most unique part of the board is the diverse thoughts and backgrounds of the student who come together with a common goal. We all have different majors but we are all within the business school and motivated by the same thing: creating the best version of Lerner for our peers and for future Blue Hens!


What has been your proudest moment leading your student group?

Reilly: I think the creation of a peer mentorship program was awesome. We paired juniors and seniors with freshman and sophomores. I have a mentee and the relationship that we have from this program is truly rewarding and I hope that others feel the same.


What are your goals for the future of your student group?

Reilly: To continue to develop the business school and make the changes that students want to see.


How has your student group helped you grow?

Reilly: It helped me become a leader. It also helped me feel more confident in voicing my opinion. 


The Lerner Student Advisory Board has 12 members and meets every other Thursday at One South Main.

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