Lifelong Lerner: Hailey Clements

Hailey Clements photo

A native of West Chester, Pennsylvania, Hailey Clements graduated from the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics as a marketing major with a minor in professional selling and sales management.

Clements was nominated for this series by Assistant Professor of Marketing Suresh Sundaram. Sundaram said, “Hailey has been an exemplary student in the marketing major and the PSSM minor. Ever ready to volunteer to help with activities and completely engaged. She has won several competitions in the minor as well. She has also been my TA for the past 2 semesters and I will miss her when she graduates this May.”

In this profile, Clements shares her favorite UD memories, how she has changed during her time at UD and her plans following graduation.

Lerner: How do you think you have changed from your first semester at UD to now?

Clements: From my first semester at UD to now, the biggest change has been the growth in my confidence both personally and professionally. The opportunities here at UD have allowed me to gain skills that I can use throughout my life after graduation. The Lerner College has set me up for success with a great educational experience. Looking back, I am very thankful for all of the opportunities I was given that have allowed me to grow into the person I am today. 

Lerner: What have been some of the challenges you have faced during your college experience and how did you overcome them?

Clements: The biggest challenge I faced was the pandemic and learning how to navigate online learning and making friends. It was hard trying to feel connected to the university while living at home and taking online classes during my first semester. Once I was able to get on campus, I was able to overcome this setback and make lifelong friends. I became involved on campus which allowed me to feel a sense of community within UD and meet a lot of people. 

Lerner: What was your favorite signature UD experience and why? 

Clements: My favorite UD experience was joining my sorority, Delta Delta Delta, my freshman year. This gave me the opportunity to meet a lot of people who become some of my best friends. I was given the opportunity to join our officer team my sophomore year as the director of social events. This allowed me to grow my leadership skills and gain experience working with a team. I am very thankful for my experience with my sorority. 

Lerner: Did you have a Lerner professor or staff member that had a big impact on your UD experience? If so, who and how?

Clements: Suresh Sundaram has made a great impact on my UD experience. I decided to add a sales minor during my junior year and enrolled in Suresh’s Intro to Selling class. I am very thankful for all of the guidance and support Suresh has provided me and for encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone which allowed me to succeed throughout my time at UD. I was very grateful to work with him as his teaching assistant this past semester and to assist with different projects. My other sales minor professors, John Scott and Dan Alia, have also made a big impact on my UD experience. Thank you for all of your advice and guidance!

Lerner: What does being a “Lifelong Lerner” mean to you?

Clements: Being a Lifelong Lerner means that I will always have the support of the UD community in everything I do. This can be anything from networking, mentorship, and advice from fellow Blue Hens who are always willing to help each other out. One day, I would love to give back to this community which has already given me so much. 

Lerner: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen to make the most out of their college experience?

Clements: My advice to freshmen would be to take advantage of all the opportunities you have. Becoming involved on campus is a great way to meet people and to try new experiences. When I was a freshman, everyone told me how fast these four years would fly by and I never believed them. Now as a senior, I can say it definitely does go by fast. It’s important to cherish every moment you have to make your time at UD very memorable. 

Lerner: What are your plans following graduation?

Clements: After graduation, I will be continuing my internship with The Siegfried Group in Wilmington, Delaware. I will be assisting with the Summer 2024 Internship Program and helping to facilitate different workshops for the interns. I have really enjoyed my time there so far and I am excited to continue and see what the future has in store for me!

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