The Private Markets Club

Students at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics have a  diverse range of nearly 30 student-led groups on campus, offering students opportunities to connect, engage and grow in their personal and professional interests.


Will Wallace, Class of 2023 finance major with a minor in business analytics, is the co-founder and president of the Private Markets Club at Lerner College. Wallace shared why he joined the Private Markets Club, what makes this group stand out and how to get involved!


Lerner: When and why did you choose to join this student group?

Wallace: I started this club with my best friend, Keaton Stott, in the summer of 2020 going into our sophomore year. We started the Private Markets Club because we wanted to help students build soft and technical skills, connect with professionals who work in the private markets, and learn more about the private side of finance. The club has proven to be a great way for students to explore and learn about career paths and find opportunities that align with their skills and passions. 


Lerner: When and where does your student group meet and approximately how many members do you have?

Wallace: This spring we welcomed 22 new members to the Private Markets Club this semester bringing our member base up to 59 students. We meet in the evenings on Wednesday nights. This semester we have been meeting on Monday and Tuesdays. We often meet in Lerner Hall, Purnell Hall, Memorial Hall, or online when needed. 


Lerner: What is the mission/goal of your student group?

Wallace: The Private Markets Club mission is to help students learn more about the private financial markets and learn more about career paths that align with their skills and interests. We then want to provide all the help and resources to members we have available to help them land an internship or job that they want. 


Lerner: What is your best memory or proudest moment from this student group?

Wallace: There are too many great memories to choose from. A special moment for me was our State of the Economy panel which we hosted last April. We were lucky to have UD alumni participate; it was our biggest event to date and very rewarding for the club. I’m also very proud that our members have been able to host financial literacy workshops at local high schools in Delaware. 


Lerner: What is unique about your student group?

Wallace: Our student group is unique as it is providing opportunities that no other club on campus is providing. We provide learning experiences in an area that is not widely covered by other clubs or curriculum. We have internship pipelines, partnerships with professional development firms, and other resources to help UD students find the job that’s best for them. 


Lerner: What are your goals for the future of your student group?

Wallace: I would love to be able to come back to UD one day in the distant future and speak to future members of the Private Markets Club. My goal is that this club remains an important part of Lerner and the community for years to come and helps students grow like it did for me.

We have great members to lead the club to future growth and I know they’ll find the next crop of students. We have an amazing Advisory Board that we report to quarterly which helps guide us in the right direction. The short-term goal is for our members to have new experiences and employment opportunities, and we are doing everything we can to provide that.


Lerner: How has your student group helped you grow, personally or professionally? 

Wallace: Starting the club has completely changed my life. I have learned so much about an area of finance that I have developed a great passion for. I have also met some of my best friends through this club. I’ve met amazing mentors and people that have helped me become the person that I am today.


Lerner: Does your group have any social media handles?

Instagram: @PrivateMarketsClub

LinkedIn: Private Markets Club


Lerner: Does your group have a website? 

Private Markets Club


Lerner: Is there any additional information regarding your student group that you believe has not been covered? Please feel free to share.

Wallace: On behalf of all of our members I want to thank our Advisory Board, the UD faculty that support us, our guest speakers, as well as our friends and family that have embraced this organization and help it grow to what it is today.

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