Economics education for K-12 students is increasingly important. When they grasp microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts, they’ll be prepared to make solid plans for their personal finances: loans, taxes, insurance, stocks and banking. They will also develop a foundation to succeed professionally. The University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics prepares students to teach in Delaware schools, as well as in other states or countries.
What is economics education?
As an economics education major, you will study how scarce resources affect the ways markets determine what is produced, how it is produced and for whom. You will explore subjects like international trade, money and banking, unemployment and inflation, market structures and public policy issues. Students in this major have the same economics requirements as those for the other economics majors.
Economic educators are tasked with passionately and knowledgeably teaching students, so that by the time they graduate from high school, they are well for their adult roles as workers, consumers, investors, voters and general citizens in a world economy.
Is economics education a good career?
Students who receive a bachelor’s degree in economics education have the chance to continue their education or start a full-time position. Through the economics education program at Lerner, students will be prepared to begin teaching in schools. Those choosing to further their education can receive a master of arts in economics and entrepreneurship for educators and even go on to pursue a Ph.D. in economic education.